Part 20

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Jedha city was busy; the streets seemed to thrive as normal despite the Imperials slowly stripping the interior of the Temple of the Wills for all its worth. Namely kyber crystals, all for something else the Empire had their fingers in. Rex, Gregor, and Echo waited near their ship at the predetermined rendezvous location on the city's outskirts. Rex patiently waited, trying to think of a way to word Cody's plan and figure out answers to potential questions. On the other hand, Gregor wandered around the ship, assessing the damage from the previous firefight the trio had gotten themselves into.

Echo, however, paced back and forth across the sandy dunes in front of the ship's entrance ramp. So many thoughts rushed through his mind as the nerves he felt began to gain power. The same nerves that had once taken hold the last time an impending reunion with (Y/N) hung in the winds. There were so many things he wanted to tell her about Crosshair still being within the empire, about Omega and the rest of the batch, and the adventures they'd been on with Phee. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her, admit she'd always been with him in his thoughts, and the longing he felt always reminded him how lost he felt without her.

At the same time, he was afraid. Snap had been running for almost a year, hiding across the galaxy. That was enough to change anyone. The constant looking over the shoulder, wondering where the next attack would come from, where the next safe place would be, where the next meal would come from. His mind persistently told him Snap wouldn't be the same kind medic he'd met at the start of the war, back when he'd been a regular clone before losing everything. She wouldn't be the battle-hardened woman she'd been on Anaxes either, although she is a warrior in her own right. Despite that, though, his heart sang (Y/N) was the missing piece of his home and life with the Batch. The missing role model Omega needed and the voice of reason boys needed, too.

The Arc Trooper was soon pulled from his thoughts by the sand thrown into the dry, hot air Jedha offered. The freighter effortless, making its landing approach. Echo immediately jumped to believe Wolffe had been the pilot. The last time he'd seen his (Y/N), she hadn't been confident in flying, although she was capable. By now, Rex and Gregor had joined him at the entrance ramp, Gregor offering his normal wave and the flash of his famous grin, the same grin Snap had once said was a part of The Gregor Charm. On the other hand, Rex had concern glimmering in his honey eyes, as if the nerves he'd been bravely keeping at bay had finally gotten the better of him.

Wolffe was the first to exit the freighter, holding on to the wall to keep his balance, an uneasy expression written across his features. He seemed awfully pleased to be on stable ground again, even if it was the sand he hated so much. (Y/N) On the other hand, was nowhere to be seen; Echo had half expected to see her rummaging through the crates in the cargo hold or running to catch up with Wolffe. But there was nothing. The Arc Trooper soon turned to Gregor as if to wordlessly ask if the Commando was sure Snap had been with Wolffe in the first place.

"Next time I'm flying!" yelled Wolffe, briefly turning back to ensure his comment reached the intended target.

"It got rid of them, didn't it?" came the soft but powerful voice of (Y/N), soon joining Wolffe on the entrance ramp, a small grin painted on her lips that soon gave way to a chuckle when Wolffe gifted her with his iconic eye roll.

"And probably confused them," commented the Commander, his attention turning back to Echo, Rex, and Gregor when the great captain cleared his throat to remind them they were there. "We ran into some trouble. Medic Ass Kicker here used your boy's tactics," explained Wolffe, seeing the collective confusion fade.

"He means Tech," chuckled Snap, handing Wolffe's blasters back to him.

"Tech taught you to fly?" asked Echo, trying to process the new piece of information.

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