Part 28

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A/N - Only the epilogue is left now. How do you think this journey ends?

"Tech!" exclaimed Echo, his breath getting caught in his throat. How could it be? He saw Tech fall and heard Tech utter Plan 99 and his final words. When do we ever follow orders?

For a moment everything else seem to be lost to Echo, it barely registered that Tech held (Y/N), nor that Wrecker had two other brothers thrown over his shoulders. Wolffe had been the one to call out to Snap, whereas Hunter had spoken up regarding everything that happened and how it would be difficult to process all at once. Tech was CX-2, (Y/N) had been tortured for god knows how long, Cody was another CX trooper and Fives, Fives was alive.

"I'll keep an eye on Cody," volunteered Wolffe, offering to keep watch over Cody and Comet until Rex was contacted. The battle-worn commander accepted; Tech wouldn't be giving (Y/N) up for now. She was safe with him, at least, and he was just as devoted to protecting her.

"We've got Fives," spoke Omega. Her words seemingly broke the trance Echo had been lost in. His pale eyes widened upon hearing the name of his long-lost brother. Fives was dead, killed during the war. Like with Tech, Echo struggled to comprehend the how. Both had been killed. One he'd seen for himself, the other he'd been told of by someone who had been there that day.

"So where are we going?" asked the trooper; Omega had released from the cells less than an hour beforehand. Orion was his name. He'd served with the 187th regiment during the war.

"Somewhere, the Empire won't find us," replied Hunter, relieved that their battle was over but also dreading what was coming. (Y/N)'s road to recovery was uncertain and would be anything but easy. Tech, Comet, Dogma, and Cody would have to undergo some process to reverse what was done to them. And Fives, who knows what was done to him while in the stasis chamber? Who knows what the plan was for him? Hemlock wasn't above being cruel or using others to force his target to suffer further.

"Will she be okay?" called Wolffe, a heavy breath of fear following his words. He didn't need to be told she'd suffered nor that things were worse than they looked. He could see it. The way Snap drifted in and out of consciousness, her confusion and barely audible words. "Will she recover?" he asked to correct his previous question. Of course, she wasn't okay; someone had hurt her. If that person still lived, they'd regret it when he got hold of them.

"Give her to me," voiced Echo, stepping over to Tech, sitting on the floor, and leaning against one of the control panels with (Y/N) in his arms. He kept her in a secure grip, her back against his chest as her head rested on his shoulder. Tech held one of her hands in a gentle grip. As if to remind her someone was there.

"You lied," whispered Tech, only moving to tighten his hold. "You promised to protect her. But when she needed you most, you weren't there."

Echo was surprised by the accusing tone of the words. Did Tech blame him, and did others, too? The ship had fallen awkwardly silent after that, as if all the joy of success had been sucked from the room or icy cold water had been thrown over all of them.

"We all failed in some way, Tech," said Crosshair, defending Echo in a way, even if there was some mutual feeling. Echo had chosen to put the rebellion over everything else and, in doing so, unintentionally abandoned those who needed him.

"He didn't," replied Tech, his voice blending with the changer of his helmet, giving off an eery feeling. Wolffe, on the other hand, seemed confused by Tech's assertion. Believing the enhanced clone to be wrong. He had failed (Y/N); like Echo, he hadn't been there when she needed him most. "He got caught trying to find her and was put through the reconditioning because he stayed loyal."

"Fives..." mumbled (Y/N), seamlessly breaking up the awkward tension to settle over the cargo hold. "Dark Trooper..." she added, "Reverse ... Necklace ... Rex."

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