Part 3

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As instructed (Y/N) had arrived at the military base the night before she was set to be deployed. Like many to visit the base, she'd been mesmerized by the memorial to the thousands of fallen troopers. She took notice of the little details, how carefully each name had been carved into the stone, even which legion they'd fought with, if they did. Those who hadn't just had their names carved into the wall. The latest ones still had wet paint from where someone had carefully painted over the names, in order for them to stand out like the rest. (Y/N) carefully mouthed the names. Hevy, Cutup and Droidbait. With a shiver down her spine (Y/N) continued to walk towards the base, noticing a security team roaming around, she hadn't been surprised when one of the troopers with red markings on the otherwise stainless armor asked her for identification. Commander Thorn was his name.

He politely made light conversation with her, as he lead her inside the base. He hadn't been surprised by her arrival, instead commenting they'd been patiently waiting, even mentioning there were a few yet to arrive. By the time they passed through the thick blast doors leading inside, they'd built up a friendship. The moment (Y/N) entered the large base, she took notice how cold it was inside, the halls warmly light, but the walls almost feeling like that of a prison, she was hit with a feeling of being trapped. The security booth clearly showing the highest priority in safety had been taken, although there was a question if the security was meant to keep something in or civilians out. Silence took over as (Y/N) walked down the maze of halls, she couldn't help but notice how all seemed the same, as if someone had simply copied and pasted the design over and over again. The same stainless doors, the same noisy grated floors.

"Miss (Y/L/N)" came a calming voice from behind her. (Y/N) had quickly whirled around, her eyes widening with shock. A hand flew up to her chest in an attempt to calm her pounding heart. She soon looked to the owner of the calm voice, seeing a Kel Dor, by his robes it was a clear he was a Jedi, the lightsaber attached to his utility belt also offering evidence to her assumption. "Apologies little one. I am Plo Koon, the Jedi General you'll be serving with" added the Jedi, seeing the confusion pass over her features. She soon reached for the datapad in her side bag, trying to find the information she had been given. Plo Koon quickly realized she hadn't been made aware of changes.

"Sorry for the confusion. I wasn't expecting to deploy until tomorrow" quickly explained (Y/N), a respectful tone flooding her voice, as she tried to hide her admiration for the Jedi General, she'd always been curious about those whom took up residency in the Temple, the peacekeepers whom now fought for the republic in the war. Soon enough a wave of embarrassment washed over the medic, suddenly unsure of everything. She hated being late for things, she hated being disorganized even more. Apparently now she was both, likely late for departing, and rather disorganized, even more so when she'd not been aware of the changes made.

"Worry not little one" soothingly replied the Jedi Master, motioning for her to follow him back through the maze of cold prison like halls. "You're quarters have already been prepared" chuckled Plo Koon, recalling how some of his men had taken it upon themselves to ready everything for her arrival. Others had been more reserved due to the past medics assigned to them. The Med-bay had been re-stoked, much like Wolffe in particular had taken it upon himself to read up on her, even more so with the last minute change. "You'll be on rotating between several legions. With each one for a period of time before transferring to another" calmly explained the Jedi Master, recalling his own legion had been given priority due not having a medic of their own. Most the time they relied on the basic training they had been given as cadets, otherwise relying on their instincts. Most of the time it did the trick, but other times the method had devastating results. Previous medics hadn't been able to handle the pace, while others were more than happy to disembark at the earliest opportunity.

(Y/N) nodded behind General Plo, her breath catching in her throat the moment the Venator Class Star Destroyer come into view. She'd bared witness to many of them coming and going, always from a distance. Now she was up close to one, her amazement took over. The ships were basically a small flying city. Each with its own little details one would only notice if close enough. General Plo waited for her astonishment to wash over, before continuing with the last leg of the journey, to board the cruiser known as the Triumphant.

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