Part 26

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"Bring her," demanded Hemlock after confronting former vice admiral Rampart. Now, the doctor had an insight into the mind of his enemy. He knew he needed something to counter them. After all, it would be long before they infiltrated the secretive facility. "They won't risk one of their own," he added, correctly stating the remaining members of Clone Force 99 were there for more than just Omega, but for (Y/N) and the clones imprisoned there too.

"It won't stop them," called (Y/N) as she was roughly pulled from her cell. Silently, she wondered if the batch knew what their actions truly were. She wondered if they knew they were committing the first open rebellion against the Empire that had so carelessly tossed aside clones. "When you took Omega from them, you gave them all the motivation they needed to not only rebel against the Empire but bring you down. One way or another, they will get what they want."

"Then we'll see if they're willing to risk you to achieve their goals," cooly replied Hemlock, ignoring the growls emanating from the cell behind him. Wolffe clarified his displeasure, even when he had little power to change things. "We'll see which they'll choose to save, you or Omega."

"They'll have a bigger problem than you if they choose me over her," Snap responded, indicating she'd given the boys of Clone Force 99 little choice if it came to it. Much to Hemlock's confusion, a smirk appeared across (Y/N) lips, which seemed to unsettle the otherwise calm scientific doctor. "Plus, I have my own way of doing things, my own plan for getting away from you," she added, no fear evident in her voice, only confidence. One way or another, she would get free and release the clones held captive.

"Take her to the training room," ordered Hemlock, his attention turning to the Commado before him. The trooper remained silent but nodded nonetheless. Shortly after, he grabbed the binder link and pulled Snap with him, almost surprised she didn't resist. An evil glint appeared in Hemlock's eyes now. After glancing at Nala Se and Rampart one last time, Hemlock moved to follow the Commando, the training room held more than just a place to keep the civvi medic captive, but also the assets he planned to use against the attacking unit. The CX Troopers, the same troopers (Y/N), had a hand in creating.

The air seemed colder and darker in the round training room. Snap felt a horrible sense of dread as she was pulled toward the small elevator leading to the lab above. The reconditioning machines would likely be used again soon. However, she found herself questioning with whom. Was Hemlock going to try and create more CX Troopers in such little time, or was he planning to capture Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo?

"Lock her in place," called Hemlock when the trio reached the laboratory. He swiftly pointed over to one of the black machines, making his intentions clear, he'd be more than willing to use her in the game, use her to hurt those who had attacked his facility and risked everything he had thrust far built.

Fear flashed across (Y/N)'s features as she struggled, fighting to prevent being trapped in the reconditioning machine. She was no fool, she knew Hemlock wouldn't think twice before turning it on, to use her to force the hand of his enemies. Although deep down, she believed she deserved this fate, to be tormented by the same machine she had used on so many clones, so many loyal soldiers who deserved better than what was forced upon them.

"If you survive, you'll be a greater asset to the empire. If not, then it's a worthy sacrifice," began Hemlock, ensuring there was little chance of escape. He ensured everything was properly secured before he turned his attention to activating the four CX Troopers in the room.

"Either way, this facility and its projects will fall," definitely spat (Y/N), hatred ringing in her voice now, although her features remained neutral. Slowly, all the feelings she'd suppressed since taking on the mission were coming forward; all the regret for what she had done to innocence and friends alike flooded her eyes in seconds. "It doesn't matter if I survive, as long as the kid is freed," she added with determination, almost as if she had resigned herself to a tormented end, accepting it would be the cost for Omega's freedom.

"We'll see," confidently called Hemlock, not bothering to turn to her, instead keeping his back to her, ensuring she didn't see the doubt painted across his features. After all, he was taking a big risk, a calculated one but risky nonetheless. If it failed and he survived, he'd suffer a fate far worse than death, after all (Y/N) was vital to some of the other plans the emperor had in mind, even if she didn't know it. "For now, let's see how well your Dark Troopers work together," he added before proceeding to give orders to the four CX Troopers he'd activated, one of which was the trooper Hemlock had since deemed difficult—more for his defense and often rebellious nature. The trooper refused to take orders from almost everyone except Snap.

"I'll be more concerned about what happens if they choose to side with the batch," voiced Snap, sowing the seeds of doubt and indicating she had done something outside her set tasks. "You forget, I knew some of them you insisted on being inducted into the program; I'm just as loyal to them as they are to me," she added, purposely suggesting things wouldn't go as planned and refusing to allow the fear to cloud her mind. She knew this was likely the end of Hemlock. If his fall didn't come at the hands of Clone Force 99, then it would come at the hands of the Emperor, for failing not only to ensure secrecy but also to prevent an uprising.

"I'm no fool (Y/N); I'm well aware there is more than motives you than just loyalty and maternal instincts," spoke Hemlock, stepping closer now, his pale eyes shining with intrigue as if she was a specimen he'd never seen before. "Determination like yours is only created by grief, hope, or love. Tell me, Snap, which motivates you?" he uttered, temporarily ignoring Scorch upon him entering the round room, instead focusing on (Y/N), wishing to find the answer to his question.

"All of them," replied Snap, again with hatred ringing in her voice, so much spite the Jedi would have told her she was on the path to the dark side. "The empire stupidly believed I would help them after they took away most of my family. All I want is for it to be gone, even if that means I go with it. I doubt you'd understand how powerful love can be. All you do is destroy," she spat.

"Sir," called Scorch, "The specimens have escaped the Vault."


"Told you," voiced (Y/N), this time accompanied by a small chuckle. After all, Omega had escaped once before. There was little doubt she could do so again. "Now you have a battle on two fronts."

With that, Hemlock stormed from the room. It was clear he intended to go to the vault, even if there was little he could actually do to get the escaping children back there. He questioned where Emerie was, who was charged with watching the children during the havoc Clone Force 99, was causing. Was he cursed, or was it just the stress suddenly getting to him? Was the empire testing his will to succeed? Was Tarkin behind all of this?

"He's no fool, Snap," came the voice of Jango Fett, the same voice almost all the clones shared. "He knows you're up to something. Things will be worse when he finds out," added the Commando who'd taken her to the room in the first place. A hint of concern seemed to be breaking through his Imperial persona. "It's better to give in, save yourself."

"Plan 99," spoke Snap, surprising herself with how calm she sounded and felt. (Y/N) had always thought that when it came to using the almost forbidden plan, she'd been terrified, shakey, and doubting her decision to use it, but instead, she wasn't. She was calm, confident and determined. If this was the price of freedom for those she loved and cared for, then so be it. Her only regret was not being able to see those she cared for so much, those she loved, find happiness and peace. Not being able to tell Echo those three words, three words she'd been afraid to say all this time. I love you. 

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