Part 2

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As normal Coruscant was bursting with life. Those who visited always complained about the day time being busy, traffic seemingly taking forever to even move. But the night was something else. That was when the planet wide city truly come alive. Tonight would be no different. (Y/N) looked out the large window of her apartment, the sunset painting beautiful colors across the sky. She'd been privileged enough to live on the surface of the planet, along with her family. Her parents always loving and supportive when they took notice. Her sisters were something else. Devika her younger sister was her best friend, where as Isolde, her older sister was more often than not an entitled drama queen.

(Y/N) was the second of three daughters. The one more often than not forgotten or at least seemed to be overlooked. Especially when her sisters were fighting again. When it come to academics, (Y/N) had done well, she'd been smart and worked hard to get into her ideal school for higher education. She'd gone on to train in the medical field, she loved helping people, always had. Despite her academics, she'd never been lucky in the love department. Many times had a guy befriended her in order to get Isolde, her older sister's attention, once they had it, the forgot about her. They always seemed to forget she had feelings too.

Many a times (Y/N) had believed she didn't have the things that made her a suitable partner. Her looks were average, especially when Isolde, had pretty much won the lottery in the looks department, she was beautiful. The attention never failed to turn to her, the moment she walked into a room or down the street. Even Devika had been ignored in the past in favor of Isolde.

"Are you really going to do it?" asked Devika, (Y/N)'s little sister lent against the door frame, uncertainty in her blue eyes. The latest dinner table conversation still repeating itself in her mind. (Y/N) turned to her younger sister and nodded, confirming her words at the dinning room table had been the truth. She'd applied for the medic position within the GAR, on top of that she'd passed all the difficult tests and completed the training those recruiting had recommended. Just a few hours ago, she'd been told of her fast approaching deployment date. "Your not leaving because of Isolde and Octavius are you?" asked the dark haired teen, tears appearing in her eyes.

"Partly" responded (Y/N), knowing the harsh revelation and subsequent break up had motivated her to apply for the medic opportunity. She'd been desperate to get away from Octavius after he so cruel broke her heart, and she'd wanted to be the furthest she could get from Isolde, her elder sister, whom had no problem breaking her in a way few should be broken. Isolde only added insult to injury by kicking her when she was already down, never once trying to act like she was sorry for what she'd done. Instead she reveled in the idea of winning and getting what she wanted. "I want to help the troopers fighting to keep us safe. This is my way of doing that" lovingly spoke (Y/N), stepping over to Devika, offering the softest hug she could.

"If you don't write to me every week and sent postcards. I'm gonna become a bounty hunter and find you" playfully threatened Devika, as she played with (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair, carefully redoing one of the braids to have come loose, putting a few beads at the end to keep the fresh braid in place. "Go have fun tonight. You deserve to have your achievement celebrated" calmly spoke the younger woman, the softest smile on her lips as she encouraged the sister whom was always there for her. Whether she needed help with homework or advice on boys. (Y/N) had always spared the time to help, even more so when they're parents were too wrapped up in Isolde's never ending drama.

"79's, wanna join us?" asked (Y/N), knowing with her sister's latest birthday, she'd officially become older enough to frequent bars and enjoy herself without supervision. "The night wouldn't be complete without my partner in crime there with me" simply added (Y/N), truth in her words was evident. She and Devika had always been as thick as thieves, where one was, the other was never going to be far behind.

Devika's face lit up as she left the room with a smile. (Y/N)'s smile's faltered a little bit. She was going to miss Devika, her partner in crime and the one whom never failed to notice when something was bothering her. This would be the first time they would be truly parted. Devika would be starting her first job soon, working in the senate building. Whereas (Y/N)'s herself would be somewhere across the galaxy, helping the many troopers whom needed her, ensuring injuries were properly treated and lives were saved. Isolde on the other hand would be getting her dream of being a stay at home wife. She was getting married, recently announcing her engagement to Octavius.

(Y/N) soon turned the desk in her room, her computer still showing the messages she'd recently received. Those from her friends whom couldn't make the nights celebrations, congratulating her on her latest achievement, all of them asking her to promise she'd be safe and tell them stories when she returned. Another one from the GAR, informing her of her deployment date, it instructed her to arrive the night before, accommodations would be provided, she'd meet the Jedi General she'd be serving under the following morning before shipping out. When (Y/N) read over the message again, she couldn't help but wonder. Who would be the Jedi she'd serve during the war? which legion would she be a medic too? Who would she be working closely with? Would she be accepted by all of them?

Just as she become lost in though, her computer dinged again, a new message. The moment (Y/N) read over the id number, she rolled her eyes. Octavius. Why would he be sending her a message? He hadn't spoken to her for months, other than passing comments. The last time they'd spoken properly was the night she found out about his affair with Isolde. Since then she'd avoided him for the most part, she'd tried her best to erase their relationship from her memory, and forget the years she'd wasted on him.

Octavius had simply asked if it was true she was leaving. No doubt Isolde had been ranting to him, she hadn't been the center of attention at that night's family dinner, something that was foreign to her and no doubt something she didn't like. (Y/N) didn't bother answering the message, instead blocking him, feeling relief wash over her as she did. She was determined he wasn't going to be a part of her life, at least no more than he had to be. Instead she was looking to the future, the challenges that awaited her.

"Where are you two going?" asked Isolde in a demanding voice, it was clear she was offended by not being invited along. The blonde beauty wasn't above going out and partying the night away, she loved the attention she got from those around her when she got up on the bar and danced to the beat of the music. She loved the idea of men buying her drinks and being the center of attention. Isolde soon looked around to their mother, hoping to have the back up she was so often granted, yet her mother was nowhere to be seen. Neither was their father, although he was likely in his study again, doing work related to the family business.

"Going out to celebrate (Y/N) getting to work with those handsome troopers" commented Devika, a small laugh escaping her the moment the words left her painted lips. "Now I'm thinking about it, I'm jealous. I'm apply for a job with the GAR when my apprenticeship with the Senate is over" chuckled the younger woman, joking with (Y/N), even more so over the idea of her slightly older sister finally getting the attention she deserves. (Y/N)'s cheeks began to heat up, she was fine with the flirting but hadn't thought about anything serious, like her sister was no doubt suggesting. "You have got your bedside manners sorted right? Don't want those hunks to the wrong idea"

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you're egging for the love at first sight troupe" voiced (Y/N), with a small chuckle of her own. Isolde on the other hand, just shut and locked the apartment door behind them, one she'd all but pushed them out. Devika and (Y/N) looked to each other before the former shrugged her shoulders, the two women heading out to flag down a taxi, in order to make their way to 79's ready to meet up with the group of awaiting women and enjoy a night of fun, before (Y/N)'s deployment in a few days time. 

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