Part 10

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"A rogue Jedi" spoke Octavius, he'd finally gotten to (Y/N) without any interruption, not that she paid him any attention. For the most part, she ignored him in favor of literally anything else, whether that be mindless tasks to have built up over her rotations on the battlefield or seeing to the troopers who often needed her help. As of recent she'd been called to the Jedi Temple after the bombing in order to help tend to the troopers injured during the attack. The bombing had been the main topic of conversation throughout the GAR and for many residents of Coruscant. Some said it was a well-organized Terrorist attack, while others suggested it was the last resort of people wanting their voices to be heard.

"Her name is Ahsoka" responded Snap, an authoritative tone to her voice. The situation angered her to no end. Although she trusted the Jedi, she questioned how they had come to the conclusion Ahsoka of all people was responsible for the attack. "And she wouldn't do this, she wouldn't do anything that put innocent people in harm's way" commented (Y/N), she was all too aware there was a search for Ahsoka now. She too had been questioned by military personnel, specifically Tarkin. He'd been to the point and refused to listen to anything that didn't back up his own accusations of Ahsoka being responsible. There was just something about the admiral that made her uneasy, something about him made her question his loyalty and motivations.

"Jedi have gone rogue before. This war happened because one of their own turned" argued Octavius, a proud grin painted on his features, almost as if he believed he'd won the debate. Snap merely echoed Wolffe with her eye roll, clearly unamused by the situation but knew there was little she could do about it. Instead, her attention turned to the door, several other members of the 501st had been confined to the base as well. General Skywalker had taken a select few out with him in order to find Ahsoka, and General Plo doing the same. Wolffe had all but promised Ahsoka would be brought back safely, showing his care for the Jedi padawan.

"Hey Snap!" called Fives, his voice being heard long before the Arc Trooper made an appearance. Like many troopers he ignored Octavius, simply referring to him as the cryptographer. Mainly due to Octavius making his unsavory opinions about Clones known to anyone within earshot. He'd gained a bad reputation with clones and other personnel around the base. "Still doing paperwork from the bombing?" asked the Arc Trooper, recalling when news of the attack had come in, no one could believe it at first. It was similar to the time when citizens of Coruscant believed the war wouldn't reach them until the power grid was bombed.

"The senate requested them. Something to do with the investigation" calmly replied Snap, a rare smile appearing on her lips when Fives jumped up on the examination table in the center of the room as if he was preparing himself for a medical check. His helmet was placed carefully at his side, as he swung his legs back and forth. Tup and Jesse could be heard whispering and chuckling outside the door, the pair appearing to be attempting to hide when (Y/N) turned her attention to them. "You're after something" commented Snap, her attention turning to the man her words were directed towards. Quickly she noticed his cheeky grin gracing his lips, no doubt he was up to something again or had already done it and was waiting for the inevitable chaos.

"Me do something, I would never" sarcastically responded Fives, once again seeing (Y/N) grin and hearing his brothers' laughter get a little louder. Octavius leaned against the wall furthest from Snap's desk, clearly frustrated by the interruption and Snap's attention being directed to Fives rather than on him, the cryptographer quickly resorted to loud sighing as if attempting to gain (Y/N)'s attention once more, just as the determination to see his self given mission through to the end was also clear.

"Why are you even here clone?" questioned Octavius, his words hostile and clearly meant as an insult. The moment the last word left his lips, Jesse and Tup's laughter stopped as if someone had put the pair on mute, and Fives smile disappeared instantly. The peaceful atmosphere had been replaced with a tense one, to the point one could cut it with a lightsaber. (Y/N) sighed, suspecting Octavius's attitude would once again get him in trouble, as it had done countless times before.

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