Part 9

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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" questioned Fives, upon (Y/N) stepping aboard the Resolute. Although he'd be the first to admit he'd missed not seeing her wandering the durasteel halls of the Jedi Cruiser, he still worried for her wellbeing. Despite her best efforts, many who knew Snap could see the smile she put on, was only for show. The sparkle didn't reach her eyes. Just as it was clear her laughter was just an act to reassure those around her.

"I'm going crazy being confined to the Military Base. Plus I can't stand being around Octavius any longer" admitted (Y/N), admitting she was finding it difficult to stay at the Military Base. Although she loved getting the chance to catch up with the boys and spend a little more time with her family. Octavius had dampened the joy of it, always hanging around the corner, always trying to convince her to give him another chance now he and Isolde were ending their short-lived and tumultuous marriage. Just as he never seemed to understand, she wasn't interested, instead, her focus had been on the troopers who truly needed her attention, and fixing what she could of her shattered heart. Living with the what-ifs left in the wake of Echo's death months beforehand.

"It's good having you back Snap. Maybe you can help wrangle the boys" commented Kix, as he walked by with a trolley of medical supplies, offering a playful sault as he did so. His relief was just as obvious, no stand-in for (Y/N), no incompetent civvi medic who collapsed under the pressures or rubbed his brothers and General Skywalker the wrong way. Instead, they had their beloved Snap back. Their civvi medic each would do anything for, the one they had adopted as part of their family.

"How have you been with everything?" asked (Y/N), turning her attention back to Fives, the moment Kix had disappeared around the corner. She knew out of all the troopers of the 501st, Fives and Rex had been affected by Echo's death the most. Both had refused to talk about what they witnessed that day. Although both had reluctantly accepted what happened. Rex had focused on keeping as many of his brothers of the 501st alive, ensuring all knew there was always someone for them to talk to, all knew their lives meant something to him. Whereas Fives had turned his attention to helping the shinnies recruited, giving them advice and acting as a big brother.

"The war is a good distraction. The more I focus on that and the shinnies, the less I have the face the pain and brokenness" admitted Fives, knowing if anyone understood his constant pain, it would be the medic to his side. Both had lost Echo and had been broken by his sudden death. Both of them hid their true feelings and tried their best to act normal, at least until they were alone. Their pillows were the thing to catch their tears and hold the secret of just how broken they were.

It wasn't long before both felt the rubble of the engines starting up, at which both parted ways. Fives returned to the barracks if only to inform his brothers, their favorite civvi medic was once again onboard and ready to kick them into touch if needed. (Y/N) on the other hand headed to the bridge, in order to inform General Skywalker and Rex of her return. Although she strongly suspected Anakin had already sensed her presence aboard his flagship and informed those around him she had finally rejoined them. Upon completing her task and staying long enough to see the bright colors of hyperspace taker over, Snap took her leave and went to the medbay. Ready to help Kix stock up and prepare the medical kits for field duty, even when she was certain she would remain aboard the cruiser for a few more rotations before being allowed back on the field completely.

"Welcome back Snap" spoke Jesse, slinging an arm over her shoulders, as if she was one of the boys. He had plenty of stories to tell and was just as excited to hear of her adventures while being confined to the military base. Just as he wondered if Octavius was aware he was a subject of conversation among the troopers to visit 79's. His skills as a code breaker were one thing, but his seemingly ending advances and excuses to be near Snap were another. "I hear your soon-to-be ex-brother-in-law being sent out on the field, supposed to be General Billaba's battalion" casually added the friendly trooper, seemingly pleased by the idea of the judgemental cryptographer being on the front lines.

"I heard he had been assigned to General Jaro Tapal and his young padawan" responded (Y/N), finding herself with curiosity. Were the whispers of Octavius being assigned to one of the Jedi Generals true and people just got confused about who he'd be assigned to, or were they just rumors started by someone who had mistakenly misheard something? "Either way I'm sure he'll find something else to focus his attention on now" voiced Snap, relief ringing through her soft voice. Even more so when she knew she'd be away from Coruscant for a few months. Despite knowing only horrific battlefields waited for her, it was still far more welcome than having to deal with the man she'd once been so devoted to. Tending to the wounded troopers who needed her, was still preferred over dealing with her soon-to-be ex-brother-in-law. Although she had a feeling Octavius and Isolde would patch things up soon or later. Isolde wasn't the type to let something she wanted go easily, and she wasn't known to move on without a good fight to retain something.

"Good, us boys were being to lose our patients" laughed Jesse, revealing he was unaware of Wolffe and Gregor's recent actions, or Cody ignoring what happened in favor of protecting his fellow brothers. Snap soon chuckled, being sure the incident would soon be common knowledge among clone intelligence. After all, both the battle-worn Commander and the flirtatious commando captain had spent a few hours in the cells following the confrontation, although both had been released into the custody of General Plo Koon. Gregor had been sent to General Kenobi following his release, whereas Wolffe had returned to his normal duties while not serving on the frontlines of the seemingly endless war.

"My favorite gruffly commander and lovable commando already beat you, boys, to it" laughed Snap, chuckling upon seeing the intrigue paint itself upon Jesse's features. Even Ahsoka let out a little laugh, clearly she too had been aware of or at least heard the rumors of the confrontation. General Plo likely mentioned it at some point. "They confronted him in the halls of the base before your return to Coruscant. I have no idea what they did, but both spent a few hours in the cells" explained (Y/N), breaking the news to Jesse, who seemed pleased someone had done something, although it was clear he too questioned what the pair had done.

"Welcome back Snap, hopefully, the boys will settle now you're back with us" kindly spoke Ahsoka, hugging (Y/N) as if she was a sister, rather than a trusted friend and medic. The Jedi Padawan had visited (Y/N) many times during her time confined to the military base, always checking up on her, if only to offer her someone to talk to in her time of need. The friendship they shared slowly turned into something resembling sisterhood. Ahsoka had told her stories of growing up in the temple, and (Y/N) had told the Commander about her childhood and family, even introducing her to Devika. Snap had been there when the Jedi Padawan needed someone outside the Jedi to talk to, just as Ahsoka had been there for (Y/N) when she was in need of someone. 

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