Part 19

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"Calm yourself, Echo," called Rex as he put the freighter he shared with the Arc Trooper and Gregor on autopilot. "Wolffe won't let anything happen to her, whether they're together or not," added the great captain, swiveling the pilot's chair around to face his companions, noticing Gregor seemed preoccupied with something.

"She's with him," confidently replied Gregor, throwing his feet on the dashboard as he leaned back and relaxed a little more, a grin appearing across his lips mere moments later. "Didn't you hear?" asked the Commando, not wording he'd recognize Snap's giggle anywhere, especially when he purposely wound up Wolffe.

"How do you know it was (Y/N) and not some civvie Wolffe picked up?" asked Echo, almost as if he assumed Wolffe was similar to Fives and Jesse, even Gregor himself, when it comes to the charm and ladies. His question only served to amuse Gregor, who loudly laughed while Rex shook his head as if trying to rid himself of unwanted mental images.

"Wolffe ..." started Rex with a sigh before stopping, almost as if he searched for the right words. "He doesn't trust those outside of his circle, especially civvies..." continued the great captain, recalling the times in 79's when Wolffe had been somewhat relaxed but still on guard. "After the judgment and fear he received because of his eye, he grew colder to outsiders," explained Rex, trying to word the explanation in the kindest ways possible, determined not to offend the Commander even if he wasn't there.

"Upon my return from The Void, I was assigned as her protector alongside Gruffles; I'd recognize her laughter anywhere," answered Gregor, once again nicknaming Wolffe, similar to how he'd nicknamed others around him based on their personality and his knowledge of them. "Plus, we have Cody's account; that has to count for something," he added, returning his gaze to the ordinary colors of hyperspace, almost welcoming the distraction despite knowing it wouldn't last long.

"You'll see her soon enough. I'm sure Snap will be just as thrilled to see you as you are for her," spoke Rex, changing the subject to the impending reunion once more, almost seeing the irony. The scenario was almost an exact repeat of before, except now it was just Rex himself and Gregor instead of Clone Force 99, General Skywalker, and Rex. Instead of returning to a military base of operations on Anaxes, Snap is within the ranks of the GAR, serving with the 501st. Now, she was touring the length of the galaxy with Wolffe, hiding from the empire and their unknown desires and motivations.

"I'll tell her about her family," voiced Gregor, seemingly lost in the swirls of hyperspace, although it was clear he was thinking of an impending reunion too. Rex and Echo glanced at each other, both still debating if it was a good idea to tell her Devika was the only family she truly had left. Octavius and Isolde had both been killed at the end of the war, and (Y/N)'s parents and other immediate family members had been killed not long after for one reason or another. Her parents vocally protested what happened at the Military Base. The others for trying to protect both Snap and Devika. "Good idea or not, Snap deserves to know the truth. It's better it comes from someone she trusts than allowing the imps to weaponize it."

"Where is Devika now?" asked Echo, recalling the younger woman with a love for politics. Despite everything, she stood as a fighter for Clone Rights alongside senators Chuchi, Organa, and Mon Mathma. "I don't recall seeing her around the senate building," added the Arc Trooper, concern beginning to flood his voice, even more so when Omega had mentioned some she'd met when with Riyo.

"The Queen of Naboo extended an invitation to her, she's been helping survives of the purge get away and hide" replied Rex, recalling briefly meeting the young politician when on Naboo before, at first he thought she was (Y/N), the two being almost identical. "The queen keeps her protected until the times right for her to return to the Senate, likely as a fully-fledged senator," added the great captain, hearing Gregor chuckle, noticing something few others seemed to recognize.

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