Part 25

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"Crosshair," called Echo. The ship was quiet, other than Rampart moaning about something none of them really cared for or took notice of. "Where would a staff member be taken if arrested?" asked the Arc Trooper, wanting to think positively even when the dread was beginning to creep up. If things went right, they would successfully rescue Omega, (Y/N), and the clones held captive in the highly secure facility.

"Cellblock D," answered Crosshair, doing his best to ignore his hand shaking again, the trauma constantly haunting him, preventing him from finding true peace. "But considering how valuable Snap is to Hemlock's plans, he'd likely hold her in the tower above the training room," he added, quickly realizing who the prisoner in question likely was. "Your missing commander should be within the normal cells, with the others intended to be a part of the Dark Trooper program."

"Why would you help rescue the scientist who did that to you?" asked Rampart, raising his voice so the words reached the pair furthest from him. Hunter was the first to react, kicking the former vice admiral in the shin as if to get him to quiet down.

"Medic," corrected Echo, his voice stern, with evidence of his dislike for the imperial operative before him flooding it. "She's a medic, not a scientist," he added, trying his best to keep a neutral voice, if only so Rampart didn't detect the obvious affection and feelings he held for Snap and use it against him in the future.

"And she didn't have a choice," admitted Crosshair, recalling when he'd been put through the torment every day. The horror was painted on Snap's features despite her efforts to hide it. She'd done her best to ensure all were comfortable after the torment she put each clone through. "We may have been the ones physically tortured, but she didn't get away without consequence either," added the sniper, suspecting the constant screams and agonizing yells of those she knew would have taken a toll mentally.

"Imagine the chaos if (Y/N) and Omega teamed up," laughed Wrecker, trying to lighten the mood even when it felt as if happiness couldn't exist until they'd overcome their final challenge—in this case, Hemlock and those wondering the halls of Mount Tantis.

"Hemlock and Tantis wouldn't know what hit them," replied Hunter, a shadow of a smirk appearing across his lips. Crosshair offered his small smirk, whereas Wrecker outwardly laughed as if he could imagine the havoc the two could cause around the secret facility. Echo could only shake his head. (Y/N) had training from the 501st; she was a combination of all she'd come across like Omega had inherited the best qualities of each batch member.

"Providing your plan to get there even works," shrewdly commented Rampart, once again casting the shadow of doubt over the four men in his company. "That facility has the highest security I know of. No one gets there without Hemlock knowing. It is impossible to get there without a welcoming party ready to shoot us from the sky," he added, matter-of-factly as if once again trying to convince them to abandon the idea of rescue and leave those they were trying to free to their unknown fate. "The CX troopers will likely be utilized as well, the best of the best."

"You three go after Omega; I'll find (Y/N), then meet in the cellblock," said Echo, ignoring Rampart again. All of them did. Now they were aware that the CX Troopers and Shadows were the same, part of the secretive Dark Trooper project. "If we do happen to cross Shadows, knock them out with luck; what's been done can be reversed," added the Arc Trooper, not wording the latter half to float through his mind. Only kill if necessary, in case the shadow is someone they knew.

"And me?" questioned Rampart. "What will I be doing once I've completed my task?" he asked, suspecting that if and when things went wrong, he could bargain the information he had with the empire for whatever he wanted.

"It depends on whether we have to improvise," Hunter bluntly stated, his voice cold yet determined. "We get the coordinates to Tantis; you can have your freedom. If not, you're stuck with us until we do get there," added the sergeant, making the stance clear and suggesting Rampart wouldn't get what he wanted until they got what they wanted.

"I'll go strip the armor," declared Echo, sadness ricocheting through his voice. None of them wanted to strip away their individuality but were given no choice. If they wanted to succeed with their task, they had to blend in when wandering the imperial facilities, regardless of the location.

"What makes you think the medic is still alive?" asked Rampart, as if he sought to sow the seeds of doubt once more. "You forget I was once head of that project, and I was cast aside the moment I failed. What makes you think the empire or Hemlock would tolerate her failings?" he added, feeling a shiver go down his spine the moment the realization hit him. All four of them sent ice glares in his direction. Hatred was among the most prevalent to identify from the heat of their combined glares.

"What makes you think she failed?" Crosshair asked, countering Rampart's attempts with his own to raise hope. Plus, he knew (Y/N) hadn't failed at her task; all the Shadows out there were proof of that. Plus, if whispers were anything to go by, the project had recently been given more funding, as had the other Mount Tantis was home to.

The sniper didn't bother to word his thoughts, the same thoughts his brothers were likely thinking and the truth Rampart had overlooked. Snap was far more valuable alive, regardless of whether she was a part of a project or not. Few could match her skills, and hardly any other civvies had the loyalty of clones like she did. (Y/N) was a weapon, one Hemlock, and likely other high-ranking officials had realized and would do anything within their power to keep in their procession.

"Echo," said Hunter upon retrieving his black helmet from the elder trooper. "Have you thought about what you're going to do after?" he whispered, knowing from Crosshair's words that the healing process wouldn't be easy for anyone involved in the project. Despite being safe for the most part, Crosshair still woke up after nightly terrors covered in a cold sweat, his heart pounding with fright and trauma. Neither of them doubted Snap would be any different. Although her torment hadn't been physical, that any of them knew of, it had been psychological. The torment that could lead to far worse consequences and unseen damage.

"Rejoin the Rex and the efforts against the empire," added Echo, as if his choice were obvious. Even if it wasn't seen, there was still a war going on, battles to be won, and clones all over the galaxy to be freed.

"And Snap?" Hunter asked, allowing his concern for her to paint on his features, even if for a few fleeting seconds. "What are you going to do with her?" the Sergeant added, making his point clear. At the same time, it became all too obvious that Echo had either assumed she joined the effort for the freedom of clones or hadn't given much thought to it. "Think over it, what's best for her."

Echo could only nod with a guilty conscience. He has been so wrapped up in the efforts to free the clones and get Omega as well as Snap back. He'd forgotten Snap hadn't been trained for war, hadn't been genetically altered to withstand the harshest of challenges life and war threw out. She was an ordinary civvi, a brave one but normal nonetheless. It would take her longer to recover from things, to accept she would be safe and free.

"I shouldn't have let her go in," replied Echo, sadness once again ringing through his voice. It began to dawn on him what the true cost could be. "I should have tried harder to convince her not to. Even if we win, I could still lose her, just in a different way."

"You'll never lose (Y/N), Echo," began Hunter, as if he knew the trial the arc trooper now faced. "Your paths are different like they were after Anaxes," he continued, pointing out how the pair had been on different paths before yet still found their way back to each other. That in itself was a win, and one few who found love could say they'd achieved. 

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