Part 22

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This chapter enters TBB Season 3 territory!

(Y/N) stood in the middle of the large lab she'd been assigned to, uncertainty shining in her eyes as she did so. Questions flooded her mind, so many questions about different things, most of which started with why. Briefly, she glanced back at the secured door, guarded by two commandoes and a full-body scanner. It was clear security and secrecy were the top priority. Yet still, Snap didn't understand why she was there, let alone why she had been given her own lab.

"I trust everything is up to your standards," said Hemlock in a smooth voice as he entered the secured room. He rubbed his gloved hand as if it pained him in some way. (Y/N) turned to nod in silence, almost refusing to utter a word as if she was rebelling against them on a minuscule level. "Everything regarding your program is within these files. I will have the latest one brought to you," he added, hints of respect shining through his voice. "This one was recovered from Eriadu."

"Eriadu?" questioned (Y/N). Confusion was present and on display, but she made no attempts to hide it. "There are no bases or facilities there. And this program doesn't accept TK Troopers from War-Mantle," she continued, displaying her knowledge well enough and unknowingly revealing why the Emperor had intended for her to be transferred in the first place.

"Very good," complimented Hemlock, although more in a backhanded way, as if she was a child who'd just won a game. "The trooper in question was a rogue. Tarkin has no use for him. However, I believe he will be a good candidate for your program and an excellent display of your skills," added the scientist, recalling Rampart's quick and fast failures regarding many things, including his attempts at keeping the project going until (Y/N) could be found. The project had produced one good Shadow. The rest hadn't survived Rampart's attempts at turning them.

"Until I'm done revising the techniques used, I suggest leaving those selected for the project alone for the time being," Snap ordered authoritatively. Clearly, she cared for the clones, but she didn't desire to put them through the fatal torment Rampart had apparently taken great joy in putting those selected through. "I will do this alone; I work better that way," she added, determining she had little choice in the latter, but she could at least make the demands and maybe just maybe sabotage the program some way. Make sure the troopers selected have someone to care for them or have a chance to escape if the time should arise.

"As you wish," replied Hemlock, seemingly unsurprised by her tone or the request to work alone. The Emperor at least had forewarned him of such, along with her care for the troopers, just as he knew of the ulterior motive for (Y/N) being transferred to the base. She wasn't just a skilled medic and desired high-ranking personnel; she was a weapon against the troopers already within the facility. No trooper who cared for her would leave her behind if they had the chance to escape, and she wouldn't leave without them either. "The clone is scheduled to arrive in a few hours. In the meantime, I request you complete a medical check on the clone girl, Omega."

Snap could only nod in confirmation, with shimmering hints of recognition in her eyes as she recalled Echo mentioning Omega, the girl the batch had taken from Kamino the night they fled the empire. It scared her to think the kid was within the empire now, even more so when she knew the boys wouldn't give Omega over without a fight. She was one of them, a part of their family. If she was at the facility, then something must have happened.

Thinking about it only brought on fear and dread but also sparked hope the others were okay. (Y/N) instinctively reached for her necklace's pendant, wishing it would start transmitting again, but knew its signal was being blocked deep down. The Empire didn't want anyone finding the base or rescuing anyone within it. At the same time, she wondered where Wolffe was now; he was within the empire, too, joined to continue his self-given mission to protect her. Only they'd been separated, and all requests to establish contact had been refused, mainly due to Wolffe being a Clone and being seen as a liability.

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