Part 4

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"Its not fair" commented Comet, walking through the prison like halls of the Military base. His foot steps being the only thing louder than his echoing voice. Following along behind was Sinker and Boost, Wolffe just in front, along he seemed to be listening to the conversation. "(Y/N)'s the best medic we've had, now we have to give her up to General Skywalker and the 501st. Can't we keep her?" continued the trooper, sadness in his voice. (Y/N) had become a friend to them all, she'd listened to them when they ranted after a particularly grueling battle, she'd patched them up and brought a smile to them, even been a shoulder to cry on. Never once had she judged them, instead she reminded them they were appreciated.

"501st aren't gonna know what hit them" responded Boost with a heavy voice. Like many troopers of the 104th Legion, he'd hoped another mission would come through, thrust delaying their return to Coruscant that little longer. Yet at the same time he knew it was wrong of each of them. Snap had spoken about her family, how much she missed her little sister Devika. She'd spoke of Isolde too, but pain and betrayal rang through her voice when she did. It being clear Snap was conflicted, she wanted to return home to see Devika again, to catch up on their months apart, but at the same time she dreaded having to see Isolde and Octavius, knowing there would be some drama and likely more complaints and insults.

"Snap's one of us. if there comes a time where she needs up, all she has to do is call" voiced Sinker, hearing Wolffe ahead all but grunt in confirmation. Even the battle worn Commander had become attached to their quick witted medic. "You gonna warn Rex of what's to come?" asked the Sergeant, directing his question to Wolffe in front of the small group, receiving only a silent nod in response. "Tell them she's brave, not afraid to kick ass if she needs to" laughed Sinker, recalling the time Wolffe had needed medical attention. He'd insisted he was fine, despite his armor being cracked, and bleeding out. (Y/N) had practically dragged him to her medbay, forcing him to stay put so she could tend to his wounds. Even playfully threatening to tie the commander down if necessary. She'd all but force Wolffe to submit to her, although she'd been gentle while patching him up.

Later that night seen many members of the famed Wolf Pack enjoying some down time at 79's. Some were dancing to the rhythm of the music on the brightly lit floor, others at the bar flirting with another patron. A few were gathered around the edge of the floor, or at tables and booths, catching up with old friends from other legions, sharing stories and jokes. Wolffe once again found himself in the normal booth, Cody, Rex, Gregor, Thorn and Howzer with him, each with their helmets placed on the table with a neon blue drink in their glass. (Y/N) had returned to her family home, if only to reassure them she was alright, despite the delay on returning and the many battles she'd been through.

"How was you're latest medic?" asked Howzer, looking over to the three whom seemed to have a never ending flow of medical personnel. Rex merely sighed, recalling the last one seemed to be in a constant argument with Kix. The pair never agreed on anything, even when so many relied on them. Cody merely offered his famous deadpan expression, the trainee with the 212th had some how managed to lose things, never seemed to know what they were doing and had probably caused more harm than good. Even Obi-wan had noticed and questioned how the young man had even gotten as far as being assigned.

Howzer had expected to see Wolffe roll his eyes, upon the conversation turning to the medics again. Instead the eye roll never came, merely a shadow of a smirk. Gregor and Thorn also noticing, although Thorn was the only other at the table whom had gotten to know (Y/N), even if it was only for a brief few minutes.

"The boys don't want to give Snap up" simply commented Wolffe in response, not admitting he didn't want her to go either. She was brave and far more effective at her job that previous medics to pass through and serve with the 104th legion. (Y/N) hadn't given it a second thought before running into the thick of battle to give trooper medical aid. Despite the horrors she'd seen, she still kept up her sarcastic wit and bright cheery smile. She was brave in the face of war, which in turn made the boys even more determined to protect her.

"Snap" questioned Cody, a combination of confusion and curiosity painting itself on his slightly reddened features. The alcohol turning his cheeks slightly more pink than usual. Gregor and Rex also looking over, never once had Wolffe nicknamed any of the medics to pass through the 104th legion in an affectionate way. Instead he'd always used insults in reference to them. Thorn soon began to grin, which in turn caught the attention of his brothers sitting around the table, Wolffe's shadow of a grin remaining in place, where as the others turned their attention to him.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), she was originally supposed to be assigned to 501st, but got reassigned last minute" explained Thorn, a chuckle escaping him. Even more so when Rex's eyes widened, as the realization dawned on him. "Hey, blame Cody, his original medic pulled out last second which caused the shake up" laughed the commander of the Coruscant Guard, seeing the slightly offended look to appear over Cody's features. Gregor's unmissable laugh ringing out seconds later, clearly he seen the funny side of the situation.

"Why'd you call her Snap?" questioned Gregor, as Rex looked up, debating whether he wanted to know the answer to the question. The alcohol making his fuzzy brain concoct many scenarios, neither of which seemed particularly enticing to him. The first thing his fuzzy imagination had come up with, was an image of her breaking bones, the second of which had been of an entitled princess snapping her fingers to gain attention. The third had by far been the funniest, her being a whiz at the card game of the same name.

"Her quick wit" simply voiced Wolffe, revealing the true reason for the name. "She's quite sarcastic as well" announced the battle worn commander, as he remembered their first encounter. Even the moment he'd began to see her as more than a medic, but as a friend. Without realizing it, Rex had began to smile. Maybe Snap would be a better addition to their ranks than their last one, plus she had the added bonus of having a good reputation with the toughest legion there was.

"Don't tell me she managed to tame our gruffly Wolffe" teased Gregor, chuckling when Wolffe rolled his eyes and practically growled in response to the playful comment. "Well Rex, if she can tame Wolffe, then your mischievous bunch wont be much trouble" laughed the captain, Cody and Howzer joining in with the laughter moments later, as did Thorn when he was sure Wolffe wouldn't do anything in response.

"That's it, I'm keeping Snap" responded Wolffe

"Hey" called Rex "My medic now"

"So when she visiting the 212th?" asked Cody, chuckling as he listening to the playful banter between Wolffe and Rex. Both acting as if they were cadets again, and (Y/N) was the shinny new toy.

"If those two are anything to go by. Then never" responded Thorn, wondering if (Y/N) knew how the pair were acting. Or if she knew how attached Wolffe had become. At the same time he suspected more than the Wolf Pack would come to see her as a valuable asset and friend. All those who got to work with her would, even the generals. 

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