Part 16

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(Y/N) had been at the military base, going about her normal routine when everything had changed. The base had been locked down, becoming an almost impenetrable fortress, none of the civvi personnel seemed to know what was going on, instead, they wandered the halls in the hopes of finding someone that did or a way out. Snap had been in her little office at the time of the lockdown, at first she hadn't thought anything of it. After the recent attacks and the Chancellor's kidnapping, everything had been different. The Senate building, Jedi Temple, and the Military Base had higher security, to the point no one could enter or leave without going through extreme measures.

What had caught Snap's attention, was the shutters coming down over the windows, blocking out the setting sun and the neon lights of the planet-wide city. The lights inside the base dimmed and turned red as if a silent alarm had been triggered, and the troopers of the Coruscant Guard began to act weird. Becoming stiffer, more rigid, and more determined, as if someone had flipped a switch and changed them completely. The troopers passing by didn't engage in conversation as they normally would have, nor did they wave or acknowledge those they had built friendships with. Instead, they stalked the halls as if on a mission, ignoring all other human interaction becoming droid-like as they become determined to see through the orders given to them.

"Fox" softly called (Y/N) as the commander passed by, he stopped but didn't turn to her, nor did he remove his helmet as he would have normally done. "Is everything okay?" she asked, forgetting the question she intended to ask. He didn't answer, instead, he shivered slightly, his shoulders drooped for a fleeting second before he stiffened once more and continued to walk away, as if he hadn't heard her. Snap was about to call his name again, when a hand clasped over her mouth from behind, another arm winding around her waist before someone pulled her back into her little now dim office.

"Shh" came the familiar gruff voice, Wolffe, his back against the now locked door, his gloved hand still covering Snap's lips as he held her closer. "Listen to me, I'm not going to hurt you, but we need to get out of here now" whispered Wolffe with urgency, slowly removing his hand from her mouth, although not releasing his vice-like hold on her waist. "The emperor sent out Order 66" he added, refusing to move his helmet, as if he didn't want to scare her more than she likely already was.

"Order 66?" questioned Snap, as a shiver rattled down her spine, her gut telling her whatever was happening out there wasn't good. Even less so when her instincts screamed at her, this was what Fives had been on about before his death and what Kix was one to before his mysterious disappearance weeks ago. "The Emperor?" she added with confusion, curiosity getting the better of her when it came to the man who proclaimed himself as a ruler, although of what was the lingering question.

"The chancellor" replied Wolffe, wording it in a way Snap would understand. Almost instantly he felt as her body stiffened in the same way his brothers and even his own had when the initial order had been sent out. Except hers wasn't out of obedience, but fear. "He branded the Jedi traitors and called for their immediate execution" added the Commander of the 104th, still unsure why the order hadn't affected him as much as his fellow brothers. Maybe it was because of his injury, or because of his loyalty to those he called family and cared for.

Without another word, Wolffe let go of (Y/N), before unlocking the door, looking down both sides of the prison-like corridor, before grabbing hold of Snap's arm and pulling her with him. The battle-worn commander hadn't told her about the other order sent out to a select few. How could he tell her the truth about what waited for her, if she didn't get away from Coruscant and hide? The journey was quiet for the most part, (Y/N) didn't dare utter a word for fear of something else happening, whereas Wolffe remained quiet, but also determined to ensure she got away, even if he had to stay behind to ensure it.

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