Part 6

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"Will you just ask her already" commented Fives, looking to the trooper so often branded as his twin? Jesse was nearby along with Hardcase, both of them nodding along. Jesse had long since grown tired of Echo's flirting, even more so to watch the Arc Trooper make a fool of himself. Yet none the less, he encouraged all his brothers to find love.

"Kix" called Hardcase, a sharp chuckle escaping from his chest. "How's your little task going?" asked the hyperactive trooper, a mischief glint in his eyes. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Echo. The Arc Trooper shot a dread-filled look between Kix, Fives, and Hardcase, Rex close by also looking between the group, although his eyes glimmered with curiosity, a small amount of mischief sprinkled in. Kix soon looked up from the datapad he'd been reading over, checking over the list of supplies that needed ordering before the 501st shipped out again.

"You mean trying to convince Snap to give this idiot a chance right?" questioned Kix, a cheeky grin coming to his lips mere seconds later, a soft chuckle escaping him soon after. Even more so when he saw the horror pass over Echo's features. Almost as if the idea of (Y/N) knowing about his crush on her, was a nightmare come true. Fives stood close by, for the first time at a loss for words, although it suddenly made sense by Kix had been hanging back at the medbay when Snap was there.

"Makes you wonder what the Wolf Pack thinks of it" announced Jesse, he could recall coming across Comet during the last trip to 79's. The Wolf Pack in their normal booth, howling every now and again. That being a rare occasion Wolffe seemed to be letting his guard down and enjoying himself, although he was still keeping a close watch on the boys. Comet had asked Jesse how Snap was doing, asking if the boys of 501st were treating her right, and if she'd punched anyone yet. Jesse had answered the questions, at the time he'd been tempted to divulge the information about Echo's secret crush, but soon thought better of it. Especially when Echo was so determined his little crush, firmly in the secrecy aisle, determined he was going to put his duty as a soldier before his own feelings and desires.

"Think of Wolffe as the protective older brother" called Rex, knowing Wolffe had truly taken to (Y/N), as had a few others who had the delight of working with the civvi medic. A chuckle escaped Rex upon recalling an incident that had landed the tough Commander in the military cells for the night. Octavius had been hassling (Y/N) throughout her downtime on Coruscant, constantly bugging her and not seeming to get the hint she didn't want to be around him let alone talk to him. Wolffe in his drunken state had punched the civvi, although he'd been taken back to the military base by Fox, the other Commander had simply told Wolffe to sleep it off and hadn't reported anything.

"We both have a duty to do" voiced Echo, finally regaining his confidence and will to speak. "Plus I'm a clone, we don't have the luxury of choosing what we do. Of having the freedom to love and live a life outside of the war" elaborated the Arc Trooper. Not seeing the way Rex look down, clearly remembering Cut, who had willingly chosen to desert the Republic and the war in general, he'd chosen to live peacefully on a faraway planet, as a farmer, with a wife and kids. To those who knew of Cut, they considered him to be by far the bravest of the clones, as he'd gone out there and gotten what he wanted, he made something out of his life, that was more than existing only so he could die in a war, only so he could become another name few in the republic would care to remember.

"Ever think maybe Snap is just waiting on you?" asked Cody for the corner of the durasteel room, the room itself acting like an echo chamber and bouncing his otherwise calm voice around. The room soon fell into silence. Rex looked in the direction Cody's voice come from, whereas Echo and Fives both seemed to freeze in their position. Hardcase on the other hand soon began to move around again, his hyperactive nature preventing him from staying still longer than a few seconds. Jesse on the other merely shook his head before beginning to clean his blaster, a ritual he did before and after every battle, in a way it settled his nerves.

"I forgot to ask, where is Snap?" asked Hardcase, bouncing on the spot now, Kix was close by, finishing the order for the medical supplies, already guessing Rex had finished his own ordering, for the extra blasters, ammo and plastoid armor they were always in need of. The rations too.

"She's attending her sister's wedding. Although reluctantly" responded Kix, recalling (Y/N) hadn't been excited about the wedding, if anything she appeared to be the opposite. She had dread in her eyes as she all but dragged herself to leave the military base the day prior. Almost as if she knew the wedding wasn't going to be any fun, but another way for Isolde to torment her further. Another way for her eldest sister to show off and make fun of others. "She'll be back the day after tomorrow unless we get another mission before then" added Kix.

"Fine, I'll ask her when we return from the Citadel assignment" sighed Echo, finally surrendering to what his brothers had been encouraging him to do for weeks on end. Fives could only grin from next to him, patting his twin on the shoulder, resisting the urge to let the comment that come to mind pass through his lips. Maybe Snap would give him a kiss for good luck.

"I'll hold you to that" announced Fives, her cheeky grin remaining unmoved. "If you don't then I'm setting you two up on a blind date" commented the Arc Trooper, chuckling as Echo practically begged him not to do it. "Or Hardcase would just outright tell her" added Fives, Hardcase confirming he would do just that, a second later with a small comment Damn right I would.

"Would be nice to see her smile again" whispered Echo, admitting a truth he was determined few others would know. He knew Tup was right about a few things, such as (Y/N) being a civvi thrust she was free to love as she pleased, something the Jedi were forbidden from doing, even if most had broken the code at some point or another. Yet at the same time, Snap had also proven there were some rules even she found ridiculous, such as the troopers not having proper representation in the Senate, despite them being on the front lines of the war and constantly making the biggest sacrifices.

"Who would have guessed Snap would have been the one to get our Echo to break the rules" commented Cody, now from beside Rex. At some point, he'd quietly made his way over. The great Captain attempted to hide the shadow of a smirk, fighting to appear on his lips. Although he was unsure which had tickled him more, Cody being under the impression Echo hadn't broken any of the rules before, or Echo being secretly willing to discard the rules when it come to Snap.

"You act like Echo isn't already a rule breaker. Rex normally has to retrieve him and Fives from the cells after a night of drinking" voiced Jesse from the opposite side of the room, not bothering to hide the enjoyment he was getting out of the situation at hand or miss the chance to tease Echo that bit more. Fives soon chuckled, recalling Rex had been down to the military prison that many times, all he had to say now is I'm here for my Arc Troopers.

"I recall having to get you from those cells as well. Most recent one being after you thought it would be a good idea to stand up while piloting a speeder" quickly replied Rex, chuckling to see Jesse's cheeks begin to heat up, although he was drunk at the time, it was clear the trooper recalled what had taken place. It still amazed Rex, no one was hurt and no accidents had been coursed. Although there were a few angry citizens and police droids involved.

"Wait, Jesse got arrested again? Where we me and Echo at the time" asked Fives, amazement lacing his voice to think he'd missed something like that. Or at least hadn't heard about it until now. Echo soon began to chuckle, it quickly registering with him, they were likely already residents of the military prison by that time. Especially if Rex's deadpan expression was anything to go by.

"Already tucked into the cell that's reserved for us" laughed Echo in response, watching as the realization washed over Fives, and how Kix looked over as it was obvious where the pair were. Even Hardcase had an expression that asked if Fives was serious with his question. Cody and Rex on the other hand merely chuckled to themselves. A comment escaping Cody, regarding Snap being able to keep the boys in order. Another escaping him suggesting it was something he wanted to bare witness to if it ever happened.

At the same time, Cody began to wonder what the angelic medic would be like when working with some of the others, including the unorthodox Clone Force 99. She'd already shown she could handle the toughest, just as Snap had proven she wasn't afraid to flirt back with those who would find the courage to flirt with her. Especially Gregor. 

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