Part 12

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To say the battles for Anaxes had been a losing effort would be an understatement. No matter what they did, every plan, every out-of-the-ordinary tactic, Admiral Trench always seemed to have the upper hand, always seemed to have a response ready, and always seemed to be prepared for every scenario. Despite the vast knowledge the three generals had and the experience their troopers had, they still seemed to be on the losing end. As if the Admiral had a secret weapon he was deploying against them. Rex and Cody had come up with a possible answer, but neither was sure it was the right one. Just as the Captain of the 501st, was yet to share a theory that had been plaguing his thoughts since arriving on Anaxes rotations prior.

(Y/N) had been distracted, to say the least. If she wasn't tending to the troopers injured in the never-ending battles for the planet, then she was focusing on clearing Fives' name. The self-given mission, seemingly became an obsession, to the point she barely focused on anything else outside of work. Although she had been thankful to finally be away from Octavius, at least for the time being. Even more so when things had gotten even more unbearable with Isolde now gaining employment within the GAR. Although her specific role wasn't known to Snap.

"Something bothering you Rex?" asked (Y/N), noticing Rex was hovering near the entrance to her specific wing of the medbay. At first, she thought it was just a coincidence, Kix's wing was across from hers. But soon thought otherwise upon noticing Rex would appear when Kix wasn't there. "You keep coming to visit but never seem to get passed the threshold" commented the civvi medic, a friendly smile upon her lips, but just like every other time it didn't reach her eyes. Anyone who knew Snap knew the war had taken its toll on her, although she tried so hard not to show it.

"Just wanted to check up on you" lied Rex, his honey eyes shining with innocence, as he reached to rub the back of his neck out of nerves. What was worse for the captain of the 501st, was he knew (Y/N) knew he was lying, yet she didn't voice it, instead she offered a simple nod, as she patiently waited for him to find the courage to tell her the truth. "I have a theory about Admiral Trench, but I don't think the General's will take it seriously" started the great Captain, knowing if anyone was going to take his words seriously, it was (Y/N), despite her brokenness she still helped those who needed it and offered her advice when asked.

"You've piqued my interest" admitted (Y/N), moving from behind her desk, stepping closer to the man she trusted with her life. With a sigh, and a mental talking to, Rex directed Snap to take a seat at the end of one of the examination tables, ensuring she was prepared for what he was about to share with her. The theory he'd yet to gain the confidence to share with anyone else.

"ithinkechoisalive" stated Rex, his words jumbling together becoming a mumbled mess of an intelligible language. Swiping a hand through his buzzed blonde hair, Rex tried to find his bearings again, being surprised when (Y/N) gently took hold of his hand, as if to soothe his racing mind and reassure him, she wouldn't judge him for his theory, no matter how out there it was. "I think Echo is alive" repeated the great Captain, watching as (Y/N)'s eyes widened, as the words he shared with her sunk in. "The clankers are using my tactics, the plans they're using were known only to one other person. They were the ones I made with Echo" explained Rex, placing a hand on Snap's shoulder when she began to stare into space.

"After all this time" whispered (Y/N), tears stinging the corner of her eyes. "Does anyone else know?" asked Snap, turning her attention to her close friend mere seconds later. Looking into his honey eyes, as if trying to determine if this was a beautiful dream or the cold reality both lived. Rex could only shake his head in response, displaying his trust in her.

"I have a meeting with the generals this afternoon. Cody will be there too. I'm debating whether to tell them then" admitted Rex, although he strongly suspect neither of the Generals would believe him, at least not without some sort of evidence. "How's your search going?" asked Rex in an attempt to change the subject and settle his own curiosity. He knew Wolffe was somehow involved in her research, the battle-worn commander had agreed to something the last time they shared the same battlefield. Although neither had mentioned what it was. Nor had Snap shared her research with anyone else, even when Kix was seemingly on the same path as her.

"He was right about something Rex. I just don't know which bit" admitted (Y/N), like Rex, she figured none of the Jedi Generals would believe her, they had ignored Fives' and there was no doubt the majority would ignore her too. Although Wolffe had convinced her to inform his own Jedi General of the findings, reassure her he would hear her out and keep an open mind.

"Maybe we can figure it out together" offered the great captain, turning upon hearing the door to the medbay slide open. Cody entered the moment the gap was wide enough. "Time for the meeting," asked Rex, seemingly surprised time had flown by, the last he checked he had hours to wait. He soon figured he'd been hovering outside the medbay, far longer than he initially thought.

"Hey, Snap" greeted Cody, as if he was greeting a younger sibling rather than a friend. At the same time, he nodded to Rex's question. "The boys miss you, lost count how many times one of them announced they were transferring to the 501st" joked the Commander of the 212th, not failing in bringing a small smile to (Y/N)'s lips, taking notice of how her smile seemed a little brighter this time. He soon made a mental note to question Rex, suspecting the captain had something to do with it. "The generals are expecting us. Windu doesn't seem too pleased with the latest loss. The 187th took a beating" voiced Cody, revealing the latest loss had been delivered to the most experienced Jedi General on base.

"Follow your gut when it comes to your theory Rex. From experience, you're normally right when you listen to it" advised Snap, giving Rex a gentle pat on the shoulder before hugging both men and sending them on their way. Cody sent Rex a look of confusion, but suspecting he'd be clued in soon enough. Plus Snap was right. When Rex listened to his gut, he was never wrong. A trait that all battle warn troopers seemed to possess. A trait that only grew stronger the longer the war stretched on. Cody could only grin though, if the mission he had in mind was approved, the unorthodox commando unit would be called in. The small group that had taken a liking to Snap, like many clones before them had. 

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