Part 13

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"Just like old times" commented Rex, affectionately patting Echo on the shoulder before boarding the Marauder. The rescue mission had been a success, they'd freed Echo from his long-standing imprisonment and helped defend the village of the natives. Echo could only sigh as he looked to the towers in the distance, as he accepted the truth for what it was. Nothing was going to be the same as before. How could it be? He was different, the blast at the Citadel had damaged his body, and the Techno Union had played havoc with his mind, using his strategic skills to the advantage of the separatists and forcing him to serve the enemy.

On top of that, he had so much guilt for what he'd been forced to do, all the times he'd cost his brothers their precious lives. Yet despite his best attempts to ignore the glaringly obvious, he knew Fives was gone. He knew the other Arc Trooper would have been right there at Rex's side, being the first to voluntarily break the rules, as they did so many times as a cadet. He knew there was a chance others he called friends and brothers were gone too. The only question was if he was responsible for their deaths, as he held himself accountable for so many others.

As Echo boarded the modified attack shuttle, his thoughts turned to (Y/N). Silently he questioned if she was still with the GAR let alone serving with the 501st. He wondered if she'd found the love she searched for if she was happy or even remembered him. At the same time, he tried to think of ways to thank her. The moments he was conscious during his captivity, she'd both kept him company and been his weapon to defend against the Techno Union. Snap had become the hope that kept him going, the reason he continued his fight.

"Is Snap still ..." trailed Echo, finding himself unable to complete his question. Rex came to sit at his side, a small grin creeping across his lips. The legendary captain knew she'd be waiting eagerly for their return. Anakin could only watch on, wishing he could be so open for his love for Padme, yet also recognize the love Echo had for the talented medic for the gift it truly was. The remaining members of the Bad Batch, on the other hand, tried to ignore the conversation, finding it wasn't their place to say anything. Even when all of them had built a friendship with her.

"She's on Anaxes, waiting for our return" announced Anakin, confirming (Y/N) was still working with the GAR and still beloved by the many troopers. Although the general failed to mention just how much she'd changed, she'd become cold to several Jedi over the years, particularly those who refused to treat clones as the living beings they were. Many a time Snap blurted out what she was thinking, but she'd also prevented some troopers from getting into fights with those who so often looked down upon them.

"Me and some of the boys have been teaching her to use a blaster" commented Rex, recalling it was Wolffe's idea to train her to use the smaller blasters, he made the notion after it became clear Octavious wasn't going to leave her be. Cody had seconded it, with the three of them and Jesse helping to train her, during their spare time. Kix made a comment about how she could kick their asses and patch them up.

"Sounds like a dangerous combination" replied Echo, recalling Jesse's mention of the idea before, Fives had agreed with it, saying it would give them peace of mind. Once again Echo signed, he longed for the day of rescue, to see his brothers again and reunite with Snap, to selfishly tell her everything he should have back then. But he couldn't push away the drowning thoughts. What if Snap had moved on and found someone else? What if she saw him now and rejected him? What if she'd changed and no longer cared? Had Snap changed?

"We're prepared to be dragged kicking and screaming for the customary check-up" jokingly spoke Hunter, Anakin could only nod from his spot near the communications panel. Crosshair countered Hunter's comment with a simple "Speak for yourself". The comment managed to pull a small chuckle from Wrecker and launch Tech into a lecture about it being mandatory. The simple exchange reminded Echo of the relationship he'd shared with Fives, Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase before the Citidal, Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup before that.

"Snap will be thrilled to see you Echo, she's not been the same since the Citidal mission" reassuringly voiced Anakin while confirming Echo's suspicions the war had changed (Y/N) as well. Something that wasn't surprising to anyone who'd experienced any part of the war firsthand. "She'll be the medic checking all of us over" laughed the Jedi Knight, the way Hunter and Tech both turned to Crosshair with identical I told you so expressions not going unnoticed.

"What happened with the bill the senate was trying to pass? Civvi medics protection ..." trailed Rex, recalling hearing rumors about it some time ago. Snap had made it clear she didn't need protection, as it would only serve to distract those around her and give her someone else to patch up when something inevitably went wrong. Anakin and Obi-Wan had both given her identical dad looks, the same kind any parent would give a disobeying child.

"They passed it weeks ago" replied Anakin, recalling there'd been some trouble convincing Snap to accept the protector or find someone up for the task outside of the undesirable option of Octavius. "Wolffe and Gregor volunteered as Snap's protectors until a permanent solution can be found. Pretty sure Gregor has more fun winding her up" commented the hero of the republic, recalling the number of times he'd seen Gregor purposely winding (Y/N) up lately, Wolffe did as well when he was around, but more often than not he took his duty seriously. Normally scaring some poor soul off when both were on shore leave.

"She has an army of big brothers" voiced Echo, a small chuckle escaping him. Although he didn't voice the follow-up comment suggesting the civvi medic was the toughest one. "Is Octavius still in the GAR?" asked the Arc Trooper, recalling hearing whispers he'd joined the GAR before, Rex and Anakin both nodded, whereas Wrecker frowned, suggesting members of the batch had come across the rude cryptographer. No doubt they experienced the same treatment as other clones before and after them, if not worse treatment due to their irregular appearance and abilities.

"Her sister Isolde was among the ranks as well. Like Snap in the medical field. She was assigned to the medical station near Naboo" announced Anakin, recalling crossing paths with the ghastly woman, her entitled behavior, and main character syndrome doing little in the way of good bedside manners. Even the Kaminoans had shuddered at her endless audacity and unfavorable behavior, as had the brashest of senators. 

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