Part 21

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"You said you needed help with something," worded Tech upon reaching Echo, finally regaining his stable balance after Omega's flying lesson over the sunny skies of Pabu. He readjusted his goggles slightly upon the Arc Trooper holding out a data stick filled with what remained of the imperial encrypted data from the prison ship he, Gregor, and a few others had retrieved Howzer from.

"Where's (Y/N)?" questioned Omega, briefly looking around Echo to the ship he'd been piloting. "You said you'd bring her with you," she added, hope filling her golden eyes at finally meeting the famed medic. The one she had heard stories about from both Echo and her other brothers. Tech had a few videos of her, although he'd only shared the humorous ones. Hunter's mood seemed to lift, too, when someone mentioned the medic, whereas Wrecker could never stop the grin from appearing.

"She on her own mission," sadly spoke Echo, the worry and dread he'd felt since they'd separated shimmering in his pale eyes, the fear he'd tried so hard to bury bubbling to the surface again. Although deep down, he questioned where his Snap was safest, on the run with Wolffe or within the imperial ranks as one of their specialized personnel, or maybe she would have been safer with the Batch there on Pabu. Out of the way and hidden. The latter two options posed a significant danger. The Empire had already shown its cruelty and willingness to dispose of those who failed or refused to do what was asked of them. However, being on the run wasn't much better, being constantly hunted and trying to survive in the ever-changing galaxy, the bounty hunters, and the lack of trust in everyone around.

"You'll meet her someday," commented Tech, stepping back toward the Marauder to decrypt the information on the data stick. He could sense the urgency and felt the information would somehow link to Snap and her mission. Omega soon ran over to Lyana, a playful but happy smile on her lips, Wrecker nearby, ready to play the game of tag he'd promised them days prior.

"How dangerous is Snap's mission?" asked Hunter upon the Arc Trooper joining him near the arched pillars. They watch the scene of Wrecker playing with the kids unfold before them. "I don't need enhanced senses to see you're afraid to lose her, Echo," added the sergeant, a shadow of a smirk appearing across his lips.

"As part of Cody's plan, she joined the Imperial ranks and the Dark Trooper project," began Echo, trying his best to push down the fear bubbling again. Even more so as he remembered Rex's last words before he left for Pabu. "She had a tracking device disguised as a necklace to find the Advanced Science Division's secret facility. It stopped transmitting weeks ago; the last known location was Wabani. Intel from Senator Chuchi suggests she was on Daro for a short time before being moved elsewhere," he explained, feeling the familiar feeling of impending doom again. No matter how hard they fought to get information and fight against the Empire, The Imperials and the Empreror always seemed to be several steps ahead.

"She'll be alright, Echo," started Hunter, placing a comforting hand on the Arc Trooper's shoulder. "She's a fighter. Stronger than most realize," added the Sargent, fondly recalling the past. The few times Snap had been on loan with them during the war. Despite her fragile appearance, she was anything but; easily getting each of them to submit to her, she'd read each as if they were an open book, even Crosshair. Like Omega, (Y/N) had picked up skills and learned from each—Tech more than most, who had taught her to fly confidently and a few other things.

"Found something," came Tech's voice over the coms, unusually void of emotions as if trying to hide how he felt about something. Hunter and Echo glanced at each other before their attention turned to Wrecker and the girls. Turning just in time to witness the human bulldozer trip over a tree root and fall while playfully chasing Omega and Lyana. The girl's laughter could be heard before Tech's message reached them. After which, it was as if the fun and laughter had been erased, as if they had never been in the first place. Replaced by cold seriousness as if the axe of execution hung in every shadow.

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