Chapter 4 The Ris

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Earlier that Summer


Jeong hyeok was now a concert pianist and knew that the Queen's and Seris Choice Music Scholarship was coming up in Swiss. He wanted to go but he could not find a way, until he got an invitation to perform at the concert. At last, he would be able to see Se-ri and spend some time with her. He was excited and apprehensive about seeing her. Was she married? Was she in a relationship? He didn't know how he would take it if she was, but at last he would find out.

His phone rang and it was his father. "Jeong hyeok come to dinner tomorrow, you have not seen your mother in a while" and then his father was no longer on the phone, he did not have time to tell him about the concert.

The next day, he went to his parent's house and his father greeted him by congratulating him on being chosen to be the pianist for the closing concert.

"How did you know I was chosen?"

His father replied, "I know." He also knew that Se-ri would be there.

"Son, we have to be careful. They are keeping an eye on you and it would be dangerous for all of us if they get suspicious. We have arranged for you to get engaged. The girl is amiable, you would be travelling with her, your mother and I are also going."

Jeong hyeok looked at his father in disbelief. "Abeoji, no, no, no. Why?"

His father looked at him, "It is a way to keep you safe."

"I am not going to marry her."

"I did not say you had to marry her, she is just your fiancée."

"Are we under that much scrutiny? Are they that suspicious"


"Does the girl know that it is not a real engagement?"

"No, we can't risk telling her."

"So, what happens when we come back? Break off the engagement? I am not marrying her."

"I did not say you had to marry her."

" I think you know that Se-ri would be there. How do I face her? How do I explain that I am engaged?"

"You don't need to explain. It might complicate things."

Jeong hyeok was stunned. How could things go so wrong? One minute he was ecstatic, the next minute, he felt he was in the depths of despair and could not breathe.

"Son, you will get through this, there is light at the end of the tunnel." He looked at his father, shook his head and said "I have to go" and he got up and left.

He could not remember how he got home, when he found himself standing in front of his front door. He entered his home; he felt his cheeks wet and did not realize that he was crying. He went to his closet, pulled out the box he so carefully cared for, took her sweater, held it to his face and sobbed, mianhae, Se-ri, mianhae.

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