Chapter 33 The Visit

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The next two months were busy for Se-ri, video meetings with her team, getting ready for the Christmas perfume release and getting in high gear for the shopping season. And in between, spending time with Lisa and David and discovering her home away from home, she wanted to see as much as she could before she went home. They went to the Getty Center, Disney Land and Universal Studios. They went to San Francisco, to Muir Woods National Monument with the majestic redwoods and on to Napa. She was amazed by the difference in temperature within a few miles of each place. She had learned very quickly about micro climates and to always take a light jacket.

November and Thanksgiving were coming. They were going to have thanksgiving at Annette's home and she was looking forward to seeing everyone. This year was going to be different because she was not a visitor but part of the family. David had made reservations at the same hotel they stayed at last year, he was home and they were going together. Her phone rang and  she saw it was Lisa.

"Lisa, I was about to call you. Are you ready for Thanksgiving with the family? I am looking forward to seeing them."

"It's going to be fun. You are now part of the family and I know they are looking forward to seeing you. Especially Ben and James, they want to help with the Scholarship."

"Yes, they told me. I put them in touch with Hans who handles the Swiss part. I have not heard anything from him, I will ask the brothers when I see them. I will bring the wine, are you bringing the usual?"

"Yes, Pumpkin pie, apple pie, pumpkin cheesecake and cranberry sauce."

"See you next Wednesday."

"Bye, Se-ri, see you next week."

She thought she would get some work done, checking on her emails, answering the ones she could and forwarding the ones to Mr. Hong and Manager Oh. When she was finished, she went to the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate and the doorbell rang. She thought it was late for visitors and so she looked at the monitor and could not move. She must have stood there for a couple of minutes and the doorbell rang again. This time she went to answer it.

"Hello, Se-ri." That voice.

"Hello, Jeong hyeok, how?"

"It's a long story. Can I come in?"

"Yes, please do. How did you know where I live?

"Your mother gave me your address and phone number."

"You and your parents were missing in Swiss. Where were you?"

"We defected. We eventually made our way to South Korea and was under protection."

"How did you defect?"

"I can't go into it. When we got South, we had to go through screening, many interviews and we were in a safe house for the duration. I thought you were in Korea, but found out from your mother that you were here. I told Agent Kim I wanted to visit you and he helped with my travel documents and Mr. Hong help with my airline reservation. By the way, I stayed at your condo. You did not remove my print."

"I did not. I hoped and hoped you would return and you would be able to open the door. We should call the parents and let them know we are home."

"Do you mind?" He smiled at her, dimples in full view.

He walked towards her and put his arms around her. She held him tight, "I can' believe you are here."

They stood like that for a few minutes, not wanting to part.

"I made some hot chocolate, would you like a cup?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

She went to the kitchen and he followed her.

"This is nice, how did you get this place?"

"It belongs to a couple who uses it once a year and they let me lease it. Everything came with the house, the cleaning lady and the gardener. I like the house, not too big and not too small."

"Is that the ocean? It's a full moon, it is reflected on the water."

"You have so much to tell me. How are your parents?"

"They are fine, they send their regards."

"Was it scary for you and your parents to defect? Were you nervous? Did they try to find you?"

"It was an anxious time, we were lucky it went well."

"You must be tired. Let me show you the guest room. You must want to freshen up. Bring your things."

He followed her and she opened the door to the guest room.

"This room also has an ocean view and its own bathroom, you should have everything you need. The housekeeper is meticulous in keeping the bathrooms well stocked."

"Are you hungry? I will fix something for you to eat."

Please don't burn down the house, he thought.

"Let me get cleaned up and then we can eat."

She looked at him and smiled. "I can't believe you are here."

He kissed her forehead, "I can't believe I am here with you. I have waited so long for this."

She held him, "Me too. I thought it would never happen."

"Go, take your shower, I will be in the kitchen when you are finished. Let me know if you need anything."

He entered the kitchen after his shower and he found Se-ri cleaning the stove.

She looked up and smiled, "I am almost finished. Would you like wine or beer?"

"What are we having?"

"It's a surprise, wine or beer would go well."


She grabbed a couple of cans from the fridge and headed to the dining room. He followed her and surprised at what he saw on the dining table. Kimchi fried rice and sides.

"Sit, I cooked."

"When did you learn to cook?"

"My friend Lisa, she told me I had to learn, so I would go over to her house and she would teach me. I don't make your noodles, but I can cook simple dishes. Here is kimchi fried rice with a fried egg on top."

"Se-ri, I am impressed." He tasted the kimchi fired rice and looked at her in surprise." This is very good."

She looked at him with her smile, "Have as much as you like, there is more in the kitchen."

He looked at her and held her hand. "I am proud of you, maybe we can cook together."

"That would be fun. How are the guys? Did they know you were leaving?"

"They are fine, they send their love. I did not tell them outright that I was leaving, but they guessed."

"What about your parents? Where are they living, how are they settling in?"

"They are living in a small town which they love, they are under protection by the NIS. They send their regards. How do you like living here?"

"I love it. It is quiet, the people are nice and I have some good friends. The best part, I have a family. I will call Annette and Lisa tomorrow to tell them that you are here. They would love to meet you especially Ben and James. We are going to spend Thanksgiving with them, we leave Wednesday midmorning. Will you be able to continue as a concert pianist?"

"I don't know, it may be too dangerous."

"We will talk to Ben and James. Ben is a professor of Music at the University and he composes and conducts. James is a composer for movies and he is a conductor, he even won an Oscar for Best Music  Original Score in a movie."

She took his hand and kissed each finger.

"How long are you here for?"

"I want to leave with you. I don't want to be separated from you any longer. I want us to start living our lives."

She looked at him and caressed his cheek, "Yes, let's start living our lives together."

That night she had a hard time falling to sleep, he was here.

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