Chapter 34 Making New Friends

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The next morning, she was in the kitchen and started to make breakfast when she felt his arms around her waist.

"What are you making?"

"Scrambled eggs, coffee and the chocolate croissants are in the oven."

"It smells good. Anything I can do to help?"

"No, have a seat at the counter, it is almost ready."

She took the eggs to the counter, took the croissants out of the oven, placed them on a plate and brought them to the counter

She went to the fridge and pulled out the sides and placed them on the counter.

"Did you make the sides?"

"No, there is a little Korean restaurant in town, I buy it from them. They do a good job."

"And coffee using a French Press? And you grind your own beans? I am impressed."

"Lisa taught me how to make this coffee. If I could not have your coffee, this is the second best."

"You impress me. Cooking, coffee, it makes me happy that you are taking care of yourself."

They started eating, "Se-ri, the scrambled eggs are good. Did you make the croissants?"

"No, I buy them frozen, left them out overnight on the baking tray and baked them this morning."

"This is a good breakfast. The chocolate croissant is a treat."

"I thought you might like it." Said, giving him her eye smile.

After breakfast Se-ri called Lisa with the good news.

"Lisa, he is here, he came last night. I would like you to meet him."

"Come for dinner tonight. David is in town, I will let him know, he would be thrilled to meet Jeong hyeok, I won't tell him until you talk to Annette."

Her next call was to Annette.

"Annette, how are you? I have good news, Jeong hyeok came last night, I will bring him for Thanksgiving"

"He is finally here, you have waited so long. How is he? You must be happy. I can't wait to tell the family. Ben and James would be happy to meet him, a fellow musician. He must play for us when he comes. Will you come?" Annette could hardly get the words out. She was happy for her daughter.

"We will be there Wednesday by midmorning. I am looking forward to him meeting the family."

"Have a safe trip Se-ri, we will see you on Wednesday."

"Jeong Hyeong, we are going to see the family on Wednesday and we are going to Lisa's this evening for dinner. You will like them."

He looked at her and smiled, she had to travel so far to find her family and friends. He hoped she would take some of this when she returned home.

They arrived at Lisa's that evening with Se-ri bringing dessert, Tiramisu that she ordered from the neighborhood deli.

"Se-ri, why Tiramisu?"

"It's good, plus it has espresso. It is one of my favorites."

Lisa opened the front door, looked at Se-ri holding the Tiramisu and carefully hugged her. Next to her stood Jeong hyeok, and Lisa thought, What a handsome man.

"Come in, Jeong hyeok, it is a pleasure to meet you. Welcome, how was your flight?"

"Good, uneventful. It is good to be here with Se-ri." He looked at her with the loving gaze he reserved for her and that wicked good smile that showed off his dimples.

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