Chapter 17 Playing Tourist

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Chapter 17

Playing Tourist

David came to pick her up a few days later to play tourist.

"Where are we going?"

"The Getty Villa in Pacific Palisades. 1

"The Villa is modeled after the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum, it is a home for the Greek and Roman antiquities. A very interesting place, it is a must, my favourite. You will learn about the villa and how rich Romans lived. You will learn about the different rooms and the importance of the pool. You will learn about the public and private spaces. The antiquities are amazing. The weather should be nice. I made reservations for us for the Garden Tea. It is a two-hour drive and it is a nice drive. I think you would enjoy it. You may get some ideas for your business. Oh, your outfit is perfect for where we are going. Stylish, but comfortable and comfortable shoes. There is a lot of walking."

"I am intrigued. What do you know about stylish?"

"My mother, aunt, sister and cousin. The women in my family are very stylish. They get on my case when I don't come up to their stylish standards."

Se-ri laughed. "Smart women. I would like to meet them."

"You will, at Thanksgiving."

"Are you sure it won't be a problem for Lisa and I to come to Thanksgiving dinner? I don't want to inconvenience anyone."

"Nonsense, you and Lisa won't be an inconvenient. They are looking to forward to meeting you."

"In Korea, if you brought me to meet the family, it means we are dating and getting married. I hope they don't think we are getting married."

"No, they don't think that. They know I met you through Lisa and they are close to Lisa. So, anyone who is a friend of Lisa, they will welcome. They are very fond of Lisa."

That's a pity we can't get married, we are first cousins, he thought. She was the first woman he met that he thought he could build a life with.

"David, I can't wait to see the Villa. It looks amazing."

"Are you looking at it online?"

"Yes, oh, this is going to be good. The pool looks amazing, the antiquities, the different rooms. And the Café menu looks yummy, very healthy. All the plants in the garden are what the Romans would have had in their gardens. So interesting."

They arrived at the Villa and when Se-ri saw the front of the Villa, she gasped.

"It is so beautiful." He smiled at her enthusiasm. They took the Architectural Tour and it did not fail to impress.

They went to the café for lunch, then the Garden Tour and lastly they walked through the rooms looking at the antiquities.

"Do you think our buildings would be around so many years from now? Or the art we do? Will the people living in the future be amazed at how we lived? Like we are amazed with how they lived 2,000 years ago? She asked.

"I don't know, I hope so. They will have an idea on how we lived. The plants we planted, the food we ate, the clothes we wore. You could have a hand in the clothes, so 1,000 years from now they would know how we dressed."

She looked at him. "That is a thought, something to mull over."

He looked at his watch, "It's tea time. Let's go."

They entered the Tea Room, showed their reservation and were seated.

"David, this looks amazing. The sandwiches, the scones, the desert. I have to try a little of everything. I know, we could have half a sandwich, that we can taste a little more."

"Good idea, we will see which ones we like better."

"The tea is good, we should ask what kind of tea it is. Maybe we can ask Lisa to do a tea. I like this, you can taste a little of everything. Which sandwich do you like best?"

"The salmon, it is good. Plus, I like salmon. Which one do you like?"

"The roast beef. Oh, it is good, they are all good. I am full, I don't think I can eat dinner."

"Same here. I think we should be heading back. Did you have an enjoyable day?" He said looking at her.

"Yes, I learned a lot. I have some ideas for the clothes, I will start sketching when I get home. Thank you for bringing me here."

The drive home was calm.

"Se-ri, I won't be around after Thanksgiving till Christmas. I have a lot of travelling and will be working in the Bay area. But I will be back for Christmas. If you need anything, ask Lisa. She does a lot of things during the Christmas Holidays and they are all fun."

"Don't worry about me, it is my busy time of the year. I will be working long hours, but I will check in with Lisa."

"Good. Here we are, brought you back safe and sound. Good night Se-ri, I will see you at Thanksgiving."

"Thank you, David I had a fun day and some ideas for fashion. I want to start sketching tonight and yes, I will see you at Thanksgiving."

Se-ri got ready for bed, but did not go to sleep. She pulled her sketch pad out and started sketching. The trip to the villa inspired her and she did not want to lose her momentum. She wanted to get it down on paper. When she was satisfied, she went to bed.


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