Chapter 40 Life Goes On (M)

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Things went back to normal after the wedding for Se-ri and Jeong hyeok. She at Se-ri's Choice and he was almost finished with the movie score. They led a quiet life with each devoted to the other. They had dinner once a week with the parents. Se-ri would go shopping with the mothers and she was surprised that she enjoyed the shopping trips. She learned to steer clear of the baby section, but the mothers would always find the baby department. Oh, how the mothers would ohh and ahh over the baby clothes. They never asked her if they were going to have children, but made it known how they felt about grandchildren and it was getting clear that they made the shopping trips an occasion to let her know how they felt. When Jeong hyeok would visit his parents, his mother would describe in detail what she saw in the in the baby department, his father would be smiling the entire time and would ask his wife questions about the baby clothes. It was rare to see his father so involved, the message was loud and clear.

Soon after the last shopping trip with the mothers, Se-ri came home early and went looking for Jeong hyeok. She found him in his sound proof study seated at the piano. He did not hear her open the door, she stood looking at him.

She walked up to him, sat beside him and put her arm around his waist.

"You are home early, is everything all right?"

"Yes, very all right. I had a doctor's appointment today to go over the tests to see if I can get pregnant."

"You didn't tell me you were doing tests, I would have gone with you. We are in this together."

She laid her head on his shoulder. "The tests came back, there is no reason we can't have a baby. The doctor took me off birth control. Want to make a baby? I am ready, how about you?"

"Yes, did the doctor say we can have twins?"

"She did not rule it out. Are you ready to start a family?"

He looked at her, smiled and nodded. "I am so ready."

"So am I. And the mothers would be happy."

"And my father. You should hear him ask my mother questions about baby clothes. He is really into baby fashion."

She laughed. "You should hear the mothers when we go shopping. I try to steer them away from the baby department but they always find it and start talking about baby fashion."

"Bedroom" he said. They looked at each other, she cupped his face and pulled him closer. They found each other's lips, with light kisses and then the intensity began to build with each battling for dominance. They pulled apart, looked at each other, started kissing and he backed her to the bedroom. She started to unbutton his shirt and slipped it off his shoulder, he pulled her top over her head. They undressed each other and stood before each other enjoying the view. He reached between her legs and started rubbing the special spot that so was so sensitive. She started to moan, slid down knelt and took him in her mouth.

"Se-ri, no"

"Let me. This is for you."

She sucked and kissed and ran her tongue, it drove him crazy.

"Se-ri, stop, I want to be in you."

She stopped and he backed her up to the bed, he positioned her on the bed and he laid beside her. He felt her to see if she was ready and she was wet. But he wanted to see how wet she could get. He laid on his side facing her and started kissing her breast, gently sucking her nipple and gently opened her legs, giving her his magic massage with his thumb at her most sensitive spot.

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