Chapter 24 Lunar New Year

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Se-ri got a call from Lisa a few days after she returned.

"Se-ri, Lunar New Year is coming up. David and I go every year. The Chinese Student Association at the University here celebrates the event. There is a banquet, the lion dance, a play and a traditional Chinese dance. It is put on by the students and it is fun. It is not fancy, the students put their hearts into it and they do a good job. Would you like to come with us? Families come and the kids love putting the money in the lion's mouth. Just to watch them is a joy."

"Sure, I would love to come. I didn't think I would be celebrating Lunar New Year here."

"We will come and pick you up."

She was ready when they came. "Where is the event" she asked

"On University campus" David replied.

"You go every year?"

"Yes, the students are a diverse group."

They arrived at the event and Se-ri was surprised to see so many people. She thought of Jeong hyeok, was he also celebrating Lunar New Year? He would be surprised that I celebrated it at the University with the students, faculty, parents, friends. The little ones were asked to come to the stage for their red envelopes, they knew it contained money and when they opened the envelope and pulled out the money, they ran to their parents to show them. The lion dance started and she saw the kids run to the lion to put the money in his mouth. One little boy was trying to put the money in the lion's mouth and kept pulling his hand out, he was afraid he would be bitten, his mother came to help him. Se-ri looked at the scene and was close to tears. Jeong hyeok, this is what we are missing, celebrating Lunar New Year with our children, will it ever happen for us? She did not think she would get emotional, she excused herself and went to the ladies room.

On the drive home, she was quiet.

"Se-ri, are you all right?" Lisa asked

"Yes, just a little emotional, my family is not here for Lunar New Year, I am missing them." Not them she thought, just Jeong hyeok.

When she arrived home, she remembered she did not clear the mail box earlier in the day. She cleared the box, and looked at the mail. And there was the envelope with the DNA results. She put the envelope on the dining room table and went to her bedroom. She would think about it tomorrow.

The days passed and she kept busy. She could not believe Spring was here. She got a call from Lisa telling asking her if she wanted to go to see the wild flowers.

"It is spectacular. California poppies, lupins and you will see the hills around here covered in yellow wild mustard."

"Where do we go to see the wild flowers?"

"The Carrizo Plain National Monument.1  We will pack a picnic."

They went that weekend, Se-ri could not believe the colors, the orange poppies, the purple lupins, wild yellow mustard. They saw a field with lupins and in the middle was a bride with her mother and the photographer. The white wedding dress against the lupins was breath taking. She took so may photos that day. She knew exactly what she was going to do, she could not wait to get home to start sketching. 

1.  It is a wonderful place to see the wildflowers. We have a super bloom this year, the wildflowers are spectacular.  If you have wildflowers blooming where you are, enjoy. 

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