Chapter 1: The Fall of The Loud and The Rise of The Hat

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The underworld one of the three kingdoms of the universe heaven that of angels, earth that of men, and hell that of demons completely full of fire and lava, piercing screams were heard everywhere from sinners falling into the void of hell, where they fell eternally but, in a great mountain of skulls that at the top had a throne made with human bones, there was a human figure in an elegant suit with a monocle in one of his eyes, with a completely dark skin and a great sadistic smile that revealed his sharp teeth and what most characterized him is his black top hat which gave him the name of Black Hat

Black Hat : (hearing the laments of those who fell to the underworld) oh what a nice tune (looking at the viewer) oh hello friends. I did not see you there. It has been a while I have not spoken with you, oh well you must be wondering why I am in the underworld on a throne of bones with a dark skin and suit well it all started after that stupid shit of bad luck incident:

Black Hat narrates:


I was depressed, I was just thinking of finding an easy way to get rid of that situation that had been a full year, so when everyone in the house went to sleep, I took off that stupid squirrel costume and slipped into the kitchen where I took a knife and point it at my head to kill myself until I realized it was stupid.

Lincoln : (looking at the stupid knife) What kind of idiot am I. Am I seriously going to commit suicide? Damn, I almost gave them the pleasure as if they were so "lucky" to be able to kill me hehe, what a bunch of idiots. I swear I will do anything to get my revenge on them and this damn town, even if I have to sell my soul to the devil for that.

???? : Maybe that can be fixed .

At that moment I turned around to contemplate the very ruler of hell "the devil"

Lincoln : ( scared and surprised ) are you...a demon?

At that moment the stupid devil shit grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and yelled at me


Lincoln : ( scared ) t...the devil ?!

Devil: At that moment I remember you saying "you swear you will do whatever it takes to get your revenge, even if you have to sell your soul to the devil to get it", am I correct?

Lincoln : ( losing fear ) You come for my soul, right?

Devil : ( lowering himself ) You know you're right i was going to claim your soul. But now that I see you better, I have a better solution for you.

That confused me a bit, what would the king of hell want from a mere mortal?

Devil: How about I offer you half of my soul?

Lincoln: (surprised) you...your soul?

Devil: yes, you will not have as much power as me, but it will be enough to take revenge, what do you say? (raising his hand as a sign to shake it)

When I took his hand I listened to his thoughts, the very confidence that wanted to make me his.

Lincoln: (Thought to myself) a lackey, I swore never to be below anyone, not even that stupid demon, so I did the only thing that happened to me at that time.

Devil : perfect, soon you will be my slave... ( he feels strange ), wait ( watching his energy move towards Lincoln ) , what is happening to me ?

Lincoln : isn't it obvious? I listen to your thoughts while we were connected, I'm sucking your whole soul stupid asshole. Hope you don't need your army because once I'm done with you I'm going to absorbed the souls of the seven deadly sins and all of the other beings in the underworld

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