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After the revelation of Black Hat, Demencia became more than fascinated with him, from the first moment she saw him, she felt that he was love at first sight, but being a heroine, she had no choice but to face it, but now She is a villain, nothing will prevent her from conquering the withered soul being, even when she saw him in his human form, she did not care that he was an 11 year old boy, he only fascinated her even more.

While this is happening Flug was planning out the presentation of his new creation for Black Hat, he begged for it to turn out well. While Black Hat just kept staring out in the window in his office.

Flug: (knocking on the door) Excuse me, cool boss? it's Ready.

Black Hat: (Opening the door showing a huge evil grin) Perfect, now tell Demencia to be at the lab, I will also be there shortly to see your progress with the project that I commission you.

Flug notified Demencia to show up in the lab, which she seemed unintrested but when Dlug mentioned that Black Hat would be present, she did not hesitate and ran to the Flug lab, dragging Flug's arm with her. With everyone present in the laboratory, flug began to give his explanation of the project.

Flug: Ahem, I am ordered to create a being of pure evil for our great boss, a being with a great thirst for blood running through his veins, a being that is lethal and immune to all kinds of (interrupted)

Black Hat: (irritated) BORING, go straight to the point doctor.

Demencia: (butting in) I second that handsome, wrap it up nerd!

Flug; (nervous) if you say so cool boss, ahem, I present to you, your new 'creature of death", I present to you.. 5.0.5

As Flug remove not care in the least, Flug reveal an adorable looking blue bear with a flower on its head.

As Flug remove not care in the least, Flug reveal an adorable looking blue bear with a flower on its head

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5.0.5: baw?

Flug: What the?! (surprised and nervous beyond limits)

Demencia: aah? (confused)

Black Hat: WHAT?!!! (Super angry)

Demencia: HAHAHA! It seems that the nerd is not as smart as he appears to be, this bear has nothing evil within him (with a mocking tone)

Black Hat: FLUG!!! (force chocking him) TELL ME WHY IS MY "CREATURE OF DEATH" IS A SIMPLE PLUSH BEAR!!! (releasing him)

Flug: I don't know what happened, it's supposed to be a destructive beast, I really don't know what happened, I swear boss.

Black Hat: alright (transforming his hand into a huge wrecking ball) let's start from scratch.

At that moment he hit the bear who was totally nervous and trying to cover himself from the attack with such force that it made the entire area tremble, but great was the surprise when the bear was shown intact at the collision site.

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