Chapter 24: True Power of Greed

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It has been a full day since Black Hat has announced that he now have the pride ring under his control and everyone all through out hell are absolutely shocked by this accomplishment. But what is his next move and what exactly is he going to do next well this is what's about to go down.

Blitzo: Move your lazy asses people we got places to be here, I'm talking to you specificly here Moxxie you big belly fatty.

Moxxie: (Offended) Fatty?! (transforming into his buffed form and walked uo to Blitzo's face) I have this absolut hunk of a body and your still calling me fat!

Loona: Making yourself bigger isn't making you look tough it only makes you look fatter.

Moxxie: (pointing at Loona) Quiet you.

Blitzo: Hold it there Mox, you can't tell of my daughter like that when she makes a solid point besides no matter how big your body is it's not really making big in the place that really mattered.

Moxxie: GRRRRR!!! (walks away and punches a wall leaving a hole in it)

Blitzo: FYI That's going to cost you on your paycheck, Mox. (muttering and rubbing the bridge of his nose) Christ on a stick control your temper, Mox.

As Blitzo is muttering this he saw Black mamba parking as Black Hat, Demencia, and Flug are exiting the vehicle.

Blitzo: Oh shit, Black Hat's here, (going into his office making an announcement on his mic) Attention all staff and personel we have a code black I repeat a code black.

As all the staff and personel in the I.M.P finished clearing the area in a matter of seconds Black Hat, Demencia, and Flug entered the building and was immediately greeted by Blitzo.

Blitzo: Black Hat, So nice to finally see you as you know we are done packing so when are we going to the lust ring.

Black Hat: Right now.

Blitzo: Got it, M & M get your asses down here we're going.

Blitzo turned his head to see Millie and Moxxie are already on the I.M.P van with black mamba on the left of them.

Black Hat: Time is moving Blitz, we better get going.

Blitzo: I'm right behind ya.

As everyone exited the building and entered their own vehicles and once their in Black opened a portal to the lust ring and directly to Azmodeus's tower. After a quick travel everyone parked and exits their vehicles and they are all stood infront of the massive tower where they are greeted by two hellhounds in suits.

Hellhound 1: Mr Black Hat I presumed?

Black Hat: Yes, I'm here to see Azmodeus.

Hellhound 2: We know, he has scheduled a meeting for you please come in.

Everyone then entered the tower and the inside is apperantly as what people would predicted a lot of erotic decorations, the walls are covered in purple with wallpaper.

Flug: Well,

Demencia: A bit dimmed if you asked me.

Verosika: It's always dimmed in here.

Everyone looked to the left and sees Verosika, Ivy, and Azmodias.

Black Hat: Verosika so nice to finally see you, how have you been this past six months?

Verosika: Pretty good actually, the powers you gave me make me a lot more popular and it's good to have something to fend of thirsty creeps.

Azmodias: Azmodeus is waiting for us on his office with his little frogie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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