Chapter 22: A Visit From an Unexpected Guest

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In a lab in Black Hat's territory, we see 7 figures walking down a hallway. These seven figures are Black Hat, Bill, the Vees, Alastor, and Carmilla.

Carmilla: What a unique place you have here, my Lord. I have never seen or been anywhere quite like this one.

Black Hat: Thank the Vees, their the ones who have been busy developing the technology of the weapons here.

Carmilla: Never have I thought the Vees woukd be usefull for something, considering they're never taken seriously by other powerful overlords. And yet you turned them into something so much more, impressive.

Velvette: The old Vees are dead, We're the new ones who faster, stronger, and smarter than any other overlord here.

Carmilla gave Velvette a burning glare, but Velvette just pointed her tongue out at her.

Carmilla: But I see, somethings never change.

Vex: Don't mind Velvette she can be difficult sometimes not like Me and Val. You have my word.

Carmilla: We'll see about that, Vex and the new weapons you develop with your technology better be worth while.

Vex: Speaking of technology, it's like almost as if technology are developed over the years to be better than before, isn't that right bambi. (looking at Alastor)

Alastor: Well, change is not for everyone. My flat screened fellow sometimes old technology can be more powerful than the new ones.

Vex: (Smirking) Oh really say's who?

Alastor is really struggling to keep his smile plastered on his face, and his left eye started twitching until Black Hat used a tentacle to get in between them before it became an argument.

Black Hat: Now that you all have decided to stop bickering, I have something to show you all.

Black Hat let them all to a dark and massive room when they are inside screeches and the sound of wing flapping can be heard inside of it and when Black Hat snapped his fingers the light turned on revealing a massive army of excorcist with full body armor demonic armor and with guns unlike anyone has ever seen. Which made Carmilla walk back from shock and starttled Alastor.

 Which made Carmilla walk back from shock and starttled Alastor

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(A/N: This is what they look like)

(A/N: This is what they look like)

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