Chapter 13: Meeting in I.M.P headquarters and the hazbin hotel

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After the recruitments of all the former siblings old friends our evil protagonist is looking at the situation in another universe through his portal

Black Hat: Look at these pathetic demons not a single one of them in all of hell are even close of being powerful as I am HAHAHAHAHAHAHA but I must say this imp looked like he has somewhat potential he even started out his own organization to kill humans on earth to bad he's bussiness is bad as shit and he doesn't have any powers and relies on a stupid royalty for access for earth and the second person that has my intrest is a demon that can control all radios and has great power and potential he also works at a hotel run by a the princess of hell. Perhaps I can make some use with these two although this is hell so I'm going to need someone to come with me and I have the perfect someone in mine HAHAHA!

Black Hat then called Bill Cipher into his office immediately for this mission

Bill: Hei Black Hat (tipping his top hat) what can I do for you?

Black Hat: Bill, good to see you I have a mission for you

Bill: Sure, anything for you what is it?

Black Hat: You are going to accompany me to go to hell in another universe of course also because you're a demon like me

Bill: Sure thing sir but what happened to the hell in this universe?

Black Hat: After I absorbed the devil's soul I slaughter every demon, imp, and hellhound in it so now hell is nothing more than a desolate wasteland

Bill: OK, When do we go?

Black Hat: Right now.

Black Hat then oppened a portal to another universe and then both him and Bill entered it

Black Hat: Welcome Bill to imp city

Bill: WOW, It's more lively here than I thought

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Bill: WOW, It's more lively here than I thought

Black Hat: Don't be to amazed this is nothing compared to the cities that I build in all the universes that has been conquered by me but aside from that we're trying to find an imp called Blitzo and a demon called Alastor this is what they looked like

Black Hat: Don't be to amazed this is nothing compared to the cities that I build in all the universes that has been conquered by me but aside from that we're trying to find an imp called Blitzo and a demon called Alastor this is what they looked ...

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