Chapter 14: Meeting the Vees and A New Friend

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After the meeting with Alastor and Blitzo Black Hat is currently standing on top of a tall building far away from the hotel and is currently checking out a building next to him.

After the meeting with Alastor and Blitzo Black Hat is currently standing on top of a tall building far away from the hotel and is currently checking out a building next to him

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Bill: What is this place?

Black Hat: This is the porn studios one of the work place for one of the Vees as in three of the many overlords of hell.

Bill: And, I'm guessing you want them to sign a contract to you too am I right?

Black Hat: No, I'm going to kill all three of them.

Bill: (confused) Wait what!!? Why!!?

Black Hat: Because the vees don't care about anyone but themselves they all ruled a very large portion of pentagram city only for the good of themselves and if I manage to kill them their territory will be mine for the taking and I can have someone else that I trust to take their place as the new overlords.

Bill: That sounds like a great plan, but there's one problem who are we going to choosw that we can trust it's not like they're going to fall from the sky

Before Black Hat can say anything they heard a scream above them and when they looked up they saw a female demon screaming because she is about to die but before her body can hit the ground Bill used his telekinesis abilities to stop her from falling.

Bill: OK, settle down now you're safe and sound now, so stop screaming.

When the female demon looked at Black Hat before fainting out of lack of energy and Black Hat looked back at the female demon and saw her body and wings he realized that she is a succubi she is wounded badly on her wings and she has scratches and bruises all over her body and when Black Hat looked up again he sees a group of male and female succubuses landing infront of them

inccubus demon: I see that you have catch that slut we will take her from here

Black Hat: Why are you hunting this succubus down exactly?

Succubi demon: This bitch tried to rebel against our boss so they sent us here to hunt her down

Black Hat just looked at the group of succubuses and his monocle begin to glow a dark red light and a black laser came out of it and soon all of the succubus burned into nothing leaving no marks behind

Black Hat: Come now Bill, let's go back to the hotel before anyone else sees us

Bill: Okay, I'm teleporting us there right now

Bill soon teleported him, Black Hat, and the female succubi back to the hazbin hotel and when they arrived they immediately entered the hotel and are greeted by Charlie and Vaggie

Charlie: Hei, Black Hat I see that you are back already and who's the girl your with is she gonna be okay she looks very badly injured?

Black Hat: There is no time to explain, this succubus is badly injured and her wings got badly damaged she also has scratches and bruises all over her body so I'm gonna take her to one of the rooms of the hotel to get her fixed up.

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