Chapter 9: Invasion on The Five Universes and Demencia vs Ronnie Anne

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After Black Hat gave the order to take over the the Yonder Galaxy, OOO, Butterfly castle, Gravity falls, and Flippy's world everyone is devided on teams and take some part of the Black Hat robots for their army.

(Invasion of Yonder Galaxy)

The Yonder Galaxy is in a chaotic state knowing that Wander and Sylvia has died. Although no one really cared that Lord Hater has died as well. And when situation can't get any worse a familiar magma ship shown up and accompanied by alot of Hat ships. Suddenly there is an announcement coming from inside the ship.

 Suddenly there is an announcement coming from inside the ship

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Dominator: Hey there you miserable losers look who is back. Yeah that's right it's me Lord Dominator and I come back with some extra friends as well. It's really ashame that you're favorite Goody two shoes Wander and that zbornak Sylvia has died. And also I want to thank you for plumeting this universe into chaos this is going to make my job alot easier MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Laughing maniacally)

As she said that all of the Hat ships attack every planet they see. Each of them has been equipped with a volcanium x drill so they can destroy the planets easier.

Lyra: Attention Dombots and Hatbots destroy and absorb the contents of every planet that contains volcanium x and for the planets that doesn't contain volcanium x build Black Hat bases for operation and don't forget to capture every villain they will sign a contract and serve my father whether they like it or not.

Dombots and Hatbots: Affermative My Lord.

Dominator: Wow kid I'm impressed that you can command an army like that. You really remind me of myself and I'm suprised that the dombots listened to you.

Lyra: Well I am Lord Black Hat's daughter. Now prepare the jail cells. We have alot of villains to hunt down and capture. Also Flug made the dombots to take orders not only to you but to Black Hat and his daughters why got a problem with it?

Dominator: N-No I don't I learned not to mess with your dad and I'm just glad to be in control of this galaxy again. So tell him i said thank you.

Lyra: I'm sure he will like that

Bot-15: Lord Dominator it seems that there is an incoming call from Lord Black Hat.

Dominator: Yes put it on the screen.

Black Hat: Dominator tell me how is the progress of the invasion?

Dominator: It's going according to plan My Lord Black Hat Sir. Your daughter Lyra thought that we capture the villains in this galaxy and force them to serve you.

Black Hat: Perfect, good too see that everything is going ccording to plan and good job to you too Lyra. I will be waiting for the captured villains when you two arrived. But before I leave I want to add an additional mission for you and Lyra?

Dominator: What is it My Lord Black Hat?

Black Hat: I want you and Lyra to find Wander's Hat because I need it for a special project i'm currently working on do you understand?

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