Chapter 18: Where Dragons Reign

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It was a good morning at the hat manor inside of Flug's room he's having a good dream of achiving a trohpy for best scientist in the world

Announcer: Congratulations Dr Kenning Flugslys, you have achive a remarkable accomplishment, how do you feel?

Flug: (tearing up) T-Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me.

Announcer: And one more thing..... Mayday.....Mayday.....Mayday....Mayday...

Hearing this Flug started to wake up and turned off his plane alarm as he slowly get up from his sleeping chamber.

Flug: At least it's a dream and not the usual nightmares.

Flug get off from his bed and walks up to a sleeping 5.0.5 that is cuddling with a lot of stuff animals around him.

Flug: Good morning, 5.0.5.

The bear woke up by stretched it's limbs and yawned out a bear growl. As it walked up to Flug's closet and dressed up as a maid holding a vaccum cleaner.

Flug: (looking at his checklist) Don't clean inside of Black Hat's office or he'll turn you inside out.

5.0.5: baw (Salluting)

Flug: All right first order of bussiness done now let's see (looking at the second task) Oh....

Flug walked to Demencia's room to wake her up but when entered the room Demencia isn't there, And to top it all off the room is a mess although this is Demencia so Flug shrugged it off

Flug: Huh, she must've woken up early, oh well no matter now to preapare everything in the lab is in tip top shape.

Flug walked up to the lab door and when he opended it he is suprised to see that his side of the lab has been destroyed with giant claw marks on the destroyed machines. (A/N: Black Hat gave Lupe her own the other half side of the lab so Flug and Lupe can worked double time without getting in eachother's way)

Flug: What happened here? Did Fliqpy and the mutants have another fight in here again, Ugh...

When walked up to the machine he suddenly hears growling of a beast at the corner of the lab, this made him a little scared as he hold up his tranquilizer gun and slowly walked up to the sound of growling

Flug: Fliqpy is that you, did you thrash down the lab again after you fought against the mutants? (holding his tranq gun in a defesive position)

Suddenly when Flug gets close enough to the corner a two foot rat showed up scaring him only a little.

Flug: AAGH!!! Ugh....stupid rat, and I have to call the exterminator later.

Suddenly the rat is grabbed by a large claw and is thrown in the air and is eaten by a large dragon. The dragon roared at the air shaking the intire lab and looked down on Flug as if he is food

Flug: (scared) N-Nice, dragon a-are you one of Lizy's or Black Hat's experiments?

The dragon chomped down at Flug trying to eat him when Flug quickly dodged out of the way and quickly shot at it with his tranquilizer gun but the dart just bounced off the dragon's scales.

Flug know what's gonna happened next so he turned on his volcanium armor as the dragon ate him. The dragon looked pleased knowing the prey has been caught when suddenly Flug tried to pry open it's mouth while screaming like a banshee

Flug: (holding the dragon's mouth open) AAAAAAGGHH!!! WHY!!!!

While this is going on Black Hat teleported himself to the lab to see what is going on.

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