Chapter 11: Loud Tragedy and The Date

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In the morning all of the louds are awake and walk up into the dining room for breakfast not knowing that one of the siblings are missing.

Lynn Sr: Kids breakfast is ready.

All of the louds except for Lori is at the table.

Rita: Where's Lori? she is going to miss breakfast.

Leni: She has been crying all night because Bobby didn't answer her phone calls for a long time.

Lynn: Wait a minute where is Lily she has been quiet these past fiew days i better check on her.

Lynn went inside Lily's and Lisa's room and find Lily sleeping in her crib.

Lynn: Lily is time to wake up, (Lily still sleeping) Lily i said get up you're going to miss breakfast (Lily is still not moving) all right I'll cary you.

When Lynn take of Lily's blanket she found out that it's not Lily inside the crib but a robot of her. Suprised by this Lynn carried the robot Lily immediately went into the dining room to tell everyone the bad news

Lynn: Guys bad news Lily is gone and someone replaced her with this robot also Lisa how did you not know that Lily is gone?

Lisa: I didn't see anything because I was to busy with my work and also school.

Lynn: Wait a second I think this robot is ticking.


Lynn quickly throw the robot out the house and the entire family stay clear from the dining room just in time before the robot exploded.

Lynn Sr: Is everyone okay?

All the wife and the daughters nodded their heads saying that their okay just until then the television turned on and Black Hat appeared on the television.

All the wife and the daughters nodded their heads saying that their okay just until then the television turned on and Black Hat appeared on the television

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Black Hat: Greetings former family it is I Black Hat I see that you have managed to dodged death for now but that isn't the reason why I called you. The reason is because two people have a very important message for you all.

Suddenly Lily and Ronnie Anne came out behind Black Hat. The Louds are all shocked seeing their youngest sibling and Ronnie Anne an adult and turned into villains.

Lily: Hello Former Family as you all know I have switch sides from being an innocent baby to a cold hearted villain. The reason I am doing this is because I have learned what you all have done to our beloved brother and I swear that when I have my hands on you all. I will give the most painfull and slowest death possible so you all better watch yourself and don't even try to fight back or rescue me because I don't have any sisters.

Ronnie Anne: Hey There Louds I know it's kinda surprising that I am working for Lincoln but I need to tell you that I am working for him out of my own will and to prove my loyalty to him I murdered every single one of my family members without pity or mercy and I mean everyone and top it all of great lake city is destroyed and now it has become an outpost for Black Hat Organization. I admit what I did to Lord Black Hat is unforgiveable but I am willing to make things right with him no matter what the cost because he means to much to me and betraying him is the worse mistake of my life. So that's all back to you My Lord Black Hat.

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