Chapter 16: Imps vs Succubus vs Heed and An Alpha Hellhound

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After Black Hat has given a demon duel both Blitzo and Verosika is determened to win the prize that Lord Black Hat is going to give them

Blitzo's pov:

Blitzo is currently in the office along with Moxxie, Millie, and Loona preparing for the attack on Heed's city

Blitzo: Alright everyone listen up, Black Hat has given us all of the information about Heed and her forces so I have come up with a plan to kill her and win the reward

Moxxie: Oh really and what is the plan sir?

Blitzo: It's simple Moxxie, Black Hat already given us the location of Heed's city so all we need to do is fly to the city kill every single one of heed's army and once their out of the way we just need to get one good shot at Heed's head, we win the bet and we will party all night at the sick manor that Black Hat has given us simple as that

Moxxie looked confused about Blitzo's plan beacause it doesn't make any sense at all. Their not against normal humans anymore their up against super humans at other beings that they have never faced before

Moxxie: With all due respect sir, we cannot just go into the city and start killing all the people there we have no idea what kind of powers these people have and do I need to remind you that we are not fighting normal humans

Blitzo: I already know that Moxxie but luckily for us we're not normal imps either you have your super strength, Millie has her weapon manifestation, Loona has her super speed and sight, and I have my fire and electric powers not to mention we all can fly well most of us (looking at Loona)

Moxxie: Even so sir the people in Black Hat's demention is no easy targets we need to be preapared for anything not to mention you haven't plan how we can win against Verosika yet

Blitzo: Oh please Moxxie she's a succubus and we're assassins who do you think is going to win in a killing competition, hmmm (making a smug face)

Moxxie: Fine but don't say I didn't warn you sir

Blitzo: Whatever Mox

Loona: Hey Blitzo do you mind if I join you?

Blitzo: What?! No, No way we are going into a different universe with humans with super powers and I'm not letting my Loonie get hurt

Loona: I'm eighteen dad and I can take care of myself besides I could use a bigger crib after we win

Blitzo: Fine, but you better stick by me if you want to come

Loona: Whatever

Meanwhile in a different universe Verosika, her posse, and Vortex is currently in Flug's lab with Black Hat, Flug, Demencia, Ivy, and Lupe

Verosika's pov:

Verosika: So why did you call us here Black Hat?

Black Hat: As you all know Blitz and the rest of the I.M.P has very powerful powers so it would be bad for you because none of you is close to be as powerful as he is am I right?

Verosika: Harsh but true

Black Hat: That is why I'm going to give you all super powers as well so it would be fair

Verosika: Really?! thanks (excited)

Black Hat: But first things first Vortex do you mind if I take some hellhound blood from you? it's for a project I'm working on

Vortex: I don't see why not

Black Hat then created a syringe to extract the hellhound blood from Vortex then he put the syringe on a special machine to combine and edit the DNA with other DNA's after it's complete Black Hat put it in another machine with some strange black mass and when Black Hat activated the machine the black mass inside the machine begin to shaped into what looked like a female hellhound

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