Chapter 10: New Artifacts and An Important Announcement

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After the invasion has finished All of the older daughters and the team went inside Black Hat's office to give him the report. Inside there is Black Hat, Demencia, and Ronnie Anne are waiting for them

Black Hat: I see you all have arrived and I supposed you all have done what I asked of all you for.

Everyone: Yes Lord Black Hat.

Black Hat: Dominator and Lyra you two gave me your report of the invasion first.

Dominator: Yes My Lord Black Hat. Me and Lyra have build a base of operation and we have retrieve Wander's hat for you. (Showing the Hat)

Black Hat: Good Let me show you all something

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Black Hat: Good Let me show you all something.

Black Hat grabbed Wander's hat on his hands and black fire started to appeared on Black Hat's hands and Wander's Hat begin to disintegrated and becomes ash

Black Hat: it is done.

Flug: (confused) Excuse me Sir but why did you destroy the hat you asked Dominator and Lyra to take.

Black Hat: I didn't destroy the hat you Idiot. Now Doctor imagined a weapon any weapon at all.

Flug: Of course cool boss...........ummm perhaps a death ray.

Black Hat then put his arm into his top hat pulled out a giant death ray out of his hat shocking everyone in the room.

Black Hat then put his arm into his top hat pulled out a giant death ray out of his hat shocking everyone in the room

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Flug: I expected a tiny death ray. Sir How did you pulled out a giant one? (confused)

Black Hat: You see Flug Wander's hat isn't just an ordinary hat. It's the hat of prosperity. It's used to create anything that you would ever need and not what you want. In the right hands it created food, defense system, and other nice things but if it falls in the wrong hands it can create weapons of ultimate destruction such as this giant death ray here and other kinds of super weapons you need to destroy a planet in a day. I absorbed the hat's power so i can pulled out whatever I want from my top hat. I know that I can conjure items from nothing myself but it doesn't hurt to have extra powers. I can also do this.

Black Hat start shaking his hat and suddenly gold coins and all kinds of treasure poured out of his hat leaving a mountain of treasure. Meanwhile the others become even more shocked.

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