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In the Black Hat manor our evil protagonist was reviewing the data of some villains from other universes, because all of those on earth were useless for Lord Black Hat.

Black Hat: Well let's see here, In the first universe in my list, I see that there are many monsters COMPLETELY USELESS, NOT ONE COULD WIN AGAINST UNSIGNIFICANT HUMAN BABIES!!! But I'll admit that this being is very powerful eventhough he looks like a floating Dorito, he can go into peoples minds and all other sorts of mind powers, he also can minipulate space, reality, and time, so he won't be useless to me, I'd better leave it to Loan, now universe ????, I see that it is the only one that if it shows a trace of evil not like that subnormal lemon, a rotten being inside and out, it will be effective, even if it has lost against a simple human, a puppy, and a chubby baby, this will be for Lena, now universe ???? A being with the ambition of destroying the universe, with an army of lava robots and a ship capable of destroying planets from within, but WHAT HAPPENED SHE HAS BEEN LEFT ALIVE WHEN SHE WAS AT HERO'S MERCED, AND SHE LEAVES THAT FRIENDLY HAIRY FRIEND ALIVE!!! I'll leave it to Lyra, now, universe ???? A true villain, He killed a magical queen and caused the death of alot of magical beings, as well as being immortal, and a true being of evil, although IT ALSO LOST AGAINST A DAMN BUTTERFLY GIRL AND A SIMPLE HUMAN, IS IT REALLY THAT ALL THESE VILLAINS ARE DEFEATED BY SIMPLE INFANTS !!! I better leave it to Liby and this is the universe ???? Apparently, they are all cute animals, but they all suck HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it is a universe not worth seeing, but nothing lifts my spirits like seeing those disgusting creatures dying over and over again, but one of them interests me, apparently it is the only murderer. In that place, with severe trauma from the war, this is a job for Lacy, well, 5 is enough for now, it's time to enroll my daughters in that school, DEMENCIA !!!

Demencia: (coming out from the vents) yes handsome.

Black Hat: it's time to enroll the daughters to school, and you are coming with me as their "mother"

Demencia: That's great, but...

Black Hat: But what? (with an irritated tone)

Demencia: Don't you think they'll freak out when they see you.

Black Hat: ahg, all right (getting untransformed into Lincoln, but with the same height) better?

Demencia nodded.

Black Hat: We are going now.

Black Hat then retreated along with Demencia in the direction of the Black Hat carriage to enroll their "daughters" to school. (time jump) they already arrived at the school, both went down the hallways, some of the students and teachers recognized the albino, but they were amazed by the remarkable change in his stature, in addition to the greater surprise when they saw the companion of the most notable villain in the world.

Student: isn't that one of Black Hat's partner?

Student 2: What is she doing here?

Teacher: Heh, I admit it's pretty nice- (He couldn't finish the sentence because Demencia kicked him at his lower jaw, it was so strong that Demencia felt his jaw break into pieces)

Demencia: I'm sorry, but I'm reserved (looking at Lincoln)

Lincoln: ahg, let's continue.

???: Lincoln (amazed)

Hearing someone called his name, he and Demencia instantly turned around to see a young latina girl the same age as Lincoln with buck teeth and is wearing a purple hoodie and a skirt.

Lincoln: oh, hello bitch (mocking)

Ronnie Anne: WHAT?!

Demencia: (Grabbed a megaphone from her hair and screamed in Ronnie Anne's ear) BITCHHHH!!!, Now did you hear what he said?

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