Chapter 8: Ronnie Anne Change Sides and A Special Suprise

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After the party Black Hat teleported Demencia, Flug, and his daughters to meet him in his office for a meeting.

Black Hat: As you all now we have killed Goldheart and end the league of P.E.A.C.E. But there's still some work to be done. I still need to get revenge on all of those who has wrong me and you're all going to help me achive it.

Demencia: Finally we can kill those. Bastard's once and for all HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (LAUGHING MANIACALLY)

Flug: Sure thing cool boss. You help me end Goldheart this is the least I can do for you in return.

Lupe: I agreed father. We will avenge you and make them pay for what they have done to you.

All of the other daughters agreed with Lupe. All of them have a vengeful look in their eyes. Lord Black Hat smiled sadisticly as all of them are ready to kill the people who has crossed him.

Black Hat: Good, Now let's get inside the Hat ship. We are visiting my old girlfriend and her pathetic family first.

As Black Hat said that. He teleported everyone in the room to into the Hat ship ready for revenge.

Black Hat: Ready everyone?


(Meanwhile in Great Lake City)

Ronnie Anne is with her brother and mother. In great lake city visiting her abuela and abuelo (grandma and grandpa) and also her cousins, and not only that her dad will also be there.

Bobby: Hei Sis were a couple minutes away from arriving at abuela and abuelo's place aren't you exited?

Ronnie Anne: Suuurreeee. (flatly)

Bobby: Ok what's wrong Sis? come on you can tell your big bro.

Ronnie Anne: I just felt really guilty for what I did to lincoln about the bad luck incedent. I know I didn't before but now I'm just ashame at myself for being like that to him.

Bobby: I second that Sis. Say what happened to Lincoln anyway I never heard from him in these 11 months and Lori never mention him to me.

Maria Santiago: Me too sweety. I also never heard from Lincoln and his family didn't mention anything about him.

Ronnie Anne: WHAT SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS!!! (VERY SUPRISED). How could you not heard about Lincoln haven't you watch tv yet?

Bobby/Maria Santiago: No why?

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln has become a very scary super villain named Black Hat and he destroyed every superhero in the world. He has this super powerful Lady named Demencia that does his every order, An evil scientist with a paper bag for a head named Dr Flug, 10 evil super powered daughters, and also a team of world ending super villains at his command.

Bobby: HAHAHA..ha....ha you're joking right Sis?

Ronnie Anne: I am dead serious Bobby.

Bobby: Wow considering what you did to Lincoln he is going to kill you literally.

Ronnie Anne: Please I would be lucky if he just kill me. Knowing what Lincoln has become I wouldn't be suprised if he burned down the entire city along with me and the rest of our family.

Maria Santiago: Kids we're here.

As Ronnie Anne and the rest of her family went into the apartment they see their family waiting all of her cousins, grandparents, and her father waiting for her.

Hector Casagrande: Hola me familia long time no see we're just about to watch some telanovela on the tv

As the entire family about to watch some telanovela the screen blured and a Hat symbol appeared on the television.

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