Chapter 6: Cyled's death and fight between employee's

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Lupe: Who are you again?

Clyde: I said I am Cyled, and who are you all suppose to be?

Leia: Haven't you heard we're the daughters of Black Hat and you must be one of Lincoln's former friend

Clyde: Wait what?! HOW DID YOU KNOW?! (shocked)

Lupa: Of course we know you idiot. Our Dad told us everything he knows about you.

Flashback (Back at The Manor)

Black Hat called 4 of his younger daughters for a mission to meet with him in his office.

Black Hat: Girls when you settle in at school. I want you to hunt down and kill a child with the name of Clyde McBride. He looked somewhat like this. (showing his daughters the photlo)

Lupe: Who is this boy father and why are you asking us to kill him?

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Lupe: Who is this boy father and why are you asking us to kill him?

Black Hat: Well listen up girls. This is my former friend Clyde McBride while I was still a lousy human being. And the reason why I want this fucker dead is because 12 months ago while back he was my best friend. We are very close we treated each other like we are family but after the so called 'BAD LUCK INCIDENT' (getting angry) I was treated like an animal. I thought my best friend would help me and stay by my side but he stab me In the back and join the teasing. And from that day I assure he will pay for what he did to me.

All 4 daughters are getting very upset of what this asshole did to their father and from that day. They swore that they will kill this asshole.

Lupe: Insignificant homosapien. He will pay for what he did to you father

Lupa: sigh, I shall make him suffer for what he has done to you father.

Leia and Lizy: We agreed daddy that boy will pay!!!!

Black Hat: Perfect, make sure that he suffer slowly and painfully, now of you go I must see if Flug has prepared everything that you all need for school.

All 4 daughters: YES DADDY!!

End of flashback (back to the present)

Clyde: Are y-you g-girls g-g-going t-to h-hurt m-me?? (terrified)

Lupa: sigh, don't worry Clyde we won't hurt you (smiling sadisticlly)

Lupa: sigh, don't worry Clyde we won't hurt you (smiling sadisticlly)

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