Chapter 7: Attack On P.E.A.C.E Headquarters

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After the family bonding activity Black Hat gathered all of his daughters, employee's, and all his personel in a large meeting table

Black Hat: Attention everyone these past fiew days has been a great success we have 10 extra members to the Black Hat Organization and 5 of the greatest villains across the multiverse. Now I gather you all here not to brag about our success but to announce this

 Now I gather you all here not to brag about our success but to announce this

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Black Hat: Does anyone knows what this symbol represents?

Flug: That's the secret organization of P.E.A.C.E, also known as the "Men Without Hats" it is a security department that attempts to overthrow Our Lord Black Hat's organization. They also describe themselves as the "Anti Villain Security Division" I know all of this because i have done some research on their organization.

Black Hat: You're correct Flug. Their mission is take down every single villain and made the world more livable place for "heroes" (disgusted). This is their leader goes by the name of Goldheart.

Flug Instantly feels a large amount of rage coursing through his body because he knows who Goldheart is

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Flug Instantly feels a large amount of rage coursing through his body because he knows who Goldheart is.

Black Hat: Goldheart is inviting every single hero to P.E.A.C.E headquarters this is the most perfect opportunity for us to kill every single hero in that place including him. Before he tries to destroy us

Everyone in the room agreed to what Black Hat is saying an opportunity like this cannot be miss. Flug cannot agree more

Flug: Whoohoo ok so what's the plan cool boss? (Asking exitedly)

Black Hat: The city is protected by a barrier. But it's a good thing we have dominator's drill and ship fixed to pierce into the barrier after that we will drop down a soul bomb. Which is a bomb that has a very devestating blast and also it can empower the Lich next we will unleash Bill's true power which is weirdmegedon onto the city for some reinforcements while the city defences are in shamble's Toffee, Fliqpy, the girls, Demencia, and Flug will storm the headquarters and kill all of the superheroes. 5.0.5 will take care of Lila while we're gone any questions?

Everyone is shocked on how perfectly planned the attack is. Black Hat just smiled sadisticly.

Black Hat: So are you all in? (smiling sadisticlly)

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