Chapter 19: A New Gelatinous Member and Wendigo Hunting

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It was morning in the hat manor and we see our evil protagonist walking down the hallway towards a room. But not just any room this room belongs to his girlfriend Demencia. Once he's inside he looked at his sleeping girlfriend and smiled to himself.

Black Hat: -Look at her sleeping so peacefully it be a shame if she wakes up in a shock- (thought to himself smirking)

Black Hat then grabbed an air horn out of his pocket and puts it near Demencia's ear once it's close enough he pressed it and Demencia's immediately shot up in shock as her hair also stand up due to shock and she jumped in the air before falling out the bed.

Demencia: AAAAAAHHH!!! (Screaming before falling of the bed?) I'm up what's going on?!!

Black Hat just laughed hysterically at her before regaining his composure.

Black Hat: It's good to see you finally awake Demencia.

Demencia: Morning handsome not to be rude or anything but what's with the rude awakening. (sulking a little bit)

Black Hat looked at his sulking girlfriend before planting a kiss on her forehead making her blush

Black Hat: Cheer up Demencia i just don't want you to miss out on today's activity besides I have a suprise for you.

Demencia: You do?! Yay, your the best handsome, now let me just freshen up a bit and i'm good to go.

Black Hat: Sure thing Demi.

As Black Hat said that he teleported away leaving Demencia blushing harder as she went inside her bathroom.

An hour have passed and Demencia has finally ready for whatever suprise Black Hat has in store for her. So she went inside his office to find him only to discover that he has changed form to his human form but with black hair and he's not wearing his hat.

Demencia: Hey there handsome, your gorgeous lizard is finally ready.

Lincoln: Good, now come on Demencia. We're taking my sweet new car for a drive.

Lincoln and Demencia went inside the garage and when they're inside they see that the demonic car is sleeping so Lincoln went over to it and slowly rubbed the hood the demon supercar feels this and slowly starting to wake up and flash it's dark red headlights.

Lincoln: Morning my demonic killing machine, today i'm going to take you for a ride aren't you excited.

The supercar vroomed in excitement as it's exhaust pipe burst out dark red flames.

Lincoln: (Smiling) That's the spirit girl

Demencia: Does the car have a name?

Lincoln: She actually does Demencia, she's called the black mamba because of her incredible speed, stealth, and deadly attacks.

Demencia: That's amazing! Hey, do you mind if I touch her?

Lincoln: I don't know Demencia, she only trusted me so it's probably best if I help you out a bit.

Lincoln grabbed Demencia's hand as he hold it to place on the hood of black mamba normally black mamba would have turned the person that touches her to her ragdoll but since she can understand her master's motives she let's her guard down and let the lizard girl touch her.

Demencia: This is so cool, thanks hot stuff.

Lincoln: No problem Demi, now come on let's ride.

Lincoln and Demencia went inside the demonic supercar that he got from Bill.

Lincoln: Time to see what this baby can do

Demencia: Hey, what this button do? (pressing a button)

To both they're suprise the seats became message chairs messaging their backs

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