Chapter 17: Training and How to Find Subordinates

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It's early in the morning and our evil protagonist is currently with Flug, Ronnie Anne, Lily, Demencia, Lizy, Leia, Cerberus and Ivy standing in the middle what looks like an arena.

Black Hat: So do you know why I summoned you all today here?

Leia: No, what is it daddy?

Black Hat: Well Leia today, me and your mother here are going to be training you and Lizy on how to fight. (looking at Ivy and Cerberus) The same thing goes for Ivy and Cerberus as well because Flug, Ronnie Anne, and Lily will be training you two. So does everyone understand?

Everyone: Yes Lord Black Hat.

Black Hat: Good, now Flug take Ivy and Cerberus to the training grounds on the right next to the arena because me and Demencia will be using this one first.

Flug: Of course cool boss.

When Flug, Lily, Ronnie Anne, Cerberus, and Ivy has left. Black Hat is left with Demencia and the twins.

Black Hat: Demencia you will be teaching Leia how to weaponize her hair powers while I will be training with Lizy, understood?

Demencia: Leave it to me handsome.

Black Hat take Lizy with him and now all it's left is Demencia and Leia.

Demencia: Now, Leia are you ready for the training?

Leia: YES MOM!!!

Demencia: Good, now show me what you got.

Leia smilled as she charged at her mother while turning her hair into whips but when she is about to strike. Demencia grabbed her hair and twirled in a circle before throwing Leia to the ground.

Demencia: That would worked against heroes but it won't work on me, so try again.

Leia gets up and started charging towards her mother and use her pigtails to try and tied her down but Demencia just used her own hair powers to grabbed Leia and throw her to the ground once again.

Demencia: That was a good try but not enough, again.

Leia: -(Ugh, why can't I stand a chance against mom, wait I wonder if i can combine my powers)- She said in her thought.

Leia gathered up her electric powers as lightning begin to spark around her and then she launched herself. When she did lightning struck the ground around her as she dash in amazing speed, when she is closed enough to her mother she used her pigtails as whips. And this time she hit Demencia so hard, she got slammed into the wall making a Demencia shaped hole. Leia stopped for a moment and checked out her mom.

Leia: Oh My Gosh! Mom! are you okay? (she said as she looked through the hole on the wall.

To her suprise Demencia just simply came out of the hole and gave Leia a big hug with a proud look on her face.

Demencia: Yes...Yes...Yes!!! you did it I'm so proud of you.

Leia: Are you okay, mom? I'm sorry that I go to far. (rubbing the back of her hair with a nervous look on her face)

Demencia puts her down and kneel down on one knee to her level so she can look at her daughter face to face.

Demencia: Hey, it's okay you are incredible, and that hit is really impressive now come on let's go to the next course of training.

Leia: Which is? (Leia said raising her eyebrow)

Demencia: Stealth and gathering dirt on people

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