Chapter 15: Power Up and A Helluva Reunion

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Our evil protagonist is currently in the lab with Flug, Dominator, and Lupe working on a secret experiment

Black Hat: How is the progress on the serum Flug?

Flug: It's nearly done Lord Black Hat, we just need to wait for a few seconds

Black Hat: Good, Once the serum is complete I want you to help me with the new project I'm currently working on

Flug: Sure thing cool boss

Black Hat: Dominator how is the progress of the special project I have commission you with

Dominator: It's already done my Lord Black Hat

Black Hat: Perfect now it's only the matter of time before the project is completed

Then a sound is heard from the machine and it looks like it is finish and when Black Hat took the serum he summoned a portal and suddenly Demencia and Ivy fall through it

Ivy: You know you could just call us

Demencia: Don't worry you'll get used to it, so why did you call us here my Lord

Black Hat: I'm currently working on an experiment and it is nearly complete all I need is a little bit of succubi blood if don't mind Ivy?

Ivy: Sure I don't mind

Black Hat then created a special syringe that can pierce through her body because her body regenerates to quickly due to her powers and then he inject it into Ivy's arm and took a bit of her blood and after he's done the wound instantly heals it self meanwhile Demencia is told to sat down on the operating table. Black Hat insert the blood in a testing chamber and begin altering the DNA and adding several more DNA to it once It's finish Black Hat combine the serum with the mutated sucubus blood

Black Hat: Flug strap Demencia down on the table and make sure she can't move

Flug: Of course cool boss

Flug then strap Demencia down to the operating table making sure she can't move

Black Hat: Are you ready for this Demencia?

Demencia: Sure thing My Lord

Black Hat then injected the continents in the syringe to Demencia's body and when it enters her blood Demencia felt a huge amount of power flowing through her changing her body slowly. Her skin becomes pink, black and pink horns grow on her head, and a long pink tail appeared on her behind once the process is finish Black Hat unstraped Demencia from the operating table

Black Hat: How do you feel Demencia?

Demencia: I feel.......I feel (looking down)............powerful (looking up at Black Hat, Ivy, Dominator, and Flug)

Flug, Demencia, and Dominator are suprised with Demencia's transformation meanwhile looked very pleased knowing his experiment worked

Black Hat: Good, now Demencia I must tell you what mutation I just give you

Demencia: Wow, I gotta handed to you bon bon I looked way more prettier in this form (making a pose)

The serum transformed Demencia into a succubus she still has her lizard hoodie on although the top is pierced by her horns, her skin becomes light pink like Ivy, her body now has a perfect hour glass shape, and she has a long pink tail

Black Hat: Now about your mutation as you can see your a succubi but you're not really one you don't have succubus blood or an increase of your sex drives you just looked like one. You can transformed back into your human form whenever you like and you have an increase on your super strength and I also combined you with chameleon and an aincent dragon DNA that means you can camouflage your self, breath scorching fire, and you also have indestructible skin thanks to the the dragon DNA as well as dragon wings which is more powerful than succubus wings

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