Chapter 12: Old friends Makes New Allies

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In Black Hat's office we see our evil protagonist leening in his chair with an evil smile.

Black Hat: Well hello again everyone, as we all know a lot has happened After the events of the date between Demencia and I. I have been somewhat happier than before I mean I'm the greatest villain that has ever existed, I have my own organization, I have a new family that truly loved me, and now I have a new girlfriend that will do anything for me. But still i feel like something is missing, and I think I know what it is. It is the fact that even though my former family are terrified of me but still I think I need to make them suffer even more so that is why I have made a plan to show my older siblings what it feels like to be nothing. Here how it goes.

Black Hat called his daughters Loan, Lena, Liby, Lyra, Lacy, and Lupa to his office for a mission. Soon the 6 daughters arrived and ready for whatever mission they're father will give them.

Black Hat: Hello my daughters, you all might wondering why I called you here?

Lena: Do you have a mission for us dad?

Black Hat: Indeed I do Lena, I have a mission for each one of you. You all are going to make the lives of my former family miserable by stealing their lives and showing they're friends how much of a horrible person they are.

Lupa: I've already shown how poorly aunt Lucy treated you father and I highly doubt that her friend haiku will ever like her.

Black Hat: Good, That's a start now Lupa I need you to bring Haiku here. There is something I want to talk to her.

Lupa: As you wish father.

Black Hat: Loan you are going to have a talk with my former sister Lori's old friend Carol Pingrey, you are going to show her this holograpic message that shows her that Lori is a horrible sibling and person also i tasked you with destroying my former sister reputation. After you have completed your mission bring her to me.

Loan: Of course/Sure thing dad.

Black Hat: Lena you are going to have a talk with my former sister Leni's old friends Becky, Dana, and Fiona you are going to show them this holograpic message that shows them that Leni is a horrible sibling and person, also i need you to destroy my former sister's reutation by showing her you are better than her. After you have completed your mission bring them to me.

Lena: Anything for you dad

Black Hat: Lyra you are going to convinced my former sister Luna's old friends Sam Sharp and Mazzy you are going to show them this holograpic message that shows them that Luna is a horrible sibling and person not only that i need you to destroy my former sister's reutation by showing her you are better than her. After you have completed your mission bring them to me.

Lyra: No probs Popstar.

Black Hat: Liby you are going to convinced my former sister Luan's old friend Maggie you are going to show her this holograpic message that shows her that Luan is a horrible sibling and person not only that i need you to destroy my former sister's reutation by showing her you are better than her and last but not least i tasked you with killing her boyfriend Benny. After you have completed your mission bring her to me.

Liby: You got it dad.

Black Hat: Lacy you are going to have a talk with my former sister Lynn's old friend Margo, you are going to show her this holograpic message that shows her that Lynn is a horrible sibling and person also i tasked you with turning all of her friends against her. After you have completed your mission bring them to me.

Lacy: I won't fail you dad.

Black Hat: Good, do you all understand your missions?

All of the 6 daughters: Yes Dad.

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