Chapter 23: A New Era of The Hat

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In heaven there is an angel with a human appearance, he wears a mask that appears similar to other Exorcists, however, with normal-looking eyes and golden facial expressions. The mask also holds a pair of horns similar to an exorcist, albeit longer, smoother, and with a golden ornamental attachment on the tips. He is the commander of the excorcist army Adam.

Adam: Attention my fellow excorcists today is the day where we will begin our extermination right at the hazbin hotel first. We will destroy that shitty hotel that talks so much about redemption of sinners and who here wants to kill that traitor Vaggie.

The excorcists shout "boo" at the mention of Vaggie's name as they begin to be rilled up for the upcoming invasion.

(Meanwhile at the hazbin hotel)

Black Hat, G-lo, Eyu, Cerberus, the Vees, Alastor, Charlie, Angel Dust, Nifty, Cherry Bomb, and Husk are at the hotel lobby getting ready.

Black Hat: Is everything at place, Vex?

Vex: Yes it has Lord Black Hat, By my calculations the Adam and his excorcist will be here soon and we are ready for them.

Black Hat: Perfect, they won't know what hit them.

Charlie: Are you sure the plan will work Black Hat?

Black Hat: Of course It will, I plan for every occasion and I have a backup plan just in case, so just stick to the plan and we will win.

Charlie: Ok, I'm ready to protect the hotel and also thank you for doing all of this for me, but still I don't get why you are doing all this for me though, it's not even your fight?

Black Hat: Consider this my final lesson on the path of being the proper ruler of hell. You need to be strong for your people, so are you up for the final challange my dear?

Charlie: I'm ready as I'll ever be Black Hat.

Black Hat: (looking at G-lo, Eyu, and Cerberus) Do you all know the plan and have you all grabbed a holy weapon?

All three of them nods at Black Hat. Next Black Hat went to see Angel, Husk, and Cherry and make sure they knew the plan and last he meets up with Alastor who apperantly is being crowned by Nifty with a crown made of cockroaches.

Nifty: I dub thee king roach.

Alastor: Oh! To understand your twisted mind, (Laughing maniacally) HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Nifty: (Also laughing maniacally) HAHAHAHA!!!

Black Hat: Am I interupting something?

Alastor: Black Hat my good friend I'm just admiring the view of these metiocre souls trying to safe this hotel, usually I would love to see them fail, but this is a special occasion so I hope your plan work flawlessly.

Black Hat: Thank you Alastor and I wish you the best of luck.

Black Hat then teleported away and he is right inside of the lab where he is greeted by Bill.

Bill: Black Hat so nice that you have return is the plan already in action?

Black Hat: Yes, which reminds me did you managed you get what I asked for?

Bill shown Black Hat three diffrent color crystals an Amber crystal, a Ruby crystal, and a Sapphire crystal.

Bill shown Black Hat three diffrent color crystals an Amber crystal, a Ruby crystal, and a Sapphire crystal

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