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The sun was shining through my window, a beam of light hitting me directly in the eyes. I groaned and rolled over, hoping to sleep a bit longer. I had almost drifted back into the dream realm when I suddenly remembered what day it was. My eyes shot open and a smile crept onto my face. Today was the day. The day I went back to Hogwarts.

It was a strange feeling, knowing I was going back to the one place that truly felt like home. Especially since I'd finished schooling 12 years earlier. This time, I was going back as part of the faculty. How I managed to get the headmaster to agree that I was an appropriate choice to lead children, I'll never know, but I wasn't about to complain.

Right after finishing my 7th year, I was recruited for an apprenticeship with the Ministry of Magic. I was to be part of their new Future Auror program. I knew my escapades during my 5th year had a lot to do with getting into the program and I was grateful that something good came out of all of the chaos that was beating the Trials and defeating Ranrok.

My 5th year at Hogwarts was one of the best and worst years of my life. I'd learned so much about myself and a world I'd only ever hoped existed, but I lost more than I cared to remember. My mentor, Professor Fig, had given his life helping me defeat Ranrok. Had it not been for him, I never would have succeeded. Who knows what would have become of the wizarding world had Ranrok attained the ancient magic that the Keepers had hidden for hundreds of years.

And then there was Sebastian. Sebastian Sallow. My best friend and partner in crime. Our shared interest in the Dark Arts brought us together, but his obsession with saving his sister and the corruption brought on by his possession of Slytherin's rune ripped us apart. Watching the dark magic change him was one of the hardest things I'd ever had to do.

Sebastian didn't return to Hogwarts after 5th year. I tried keeping in touch with him, sending owls whenever I was able, but he never responded. I kept up with the letters for awhile, hoping that they would help with whatever he was going through, but I eventually stopped. Time has a way of numbing wounds; they heal, but the scars still remain.

My time with the Ministry became my whole world. There was no work/life balance. I felt fulfilled, though, knowing that I was making a difference. I was taking down poaching rings, capturing dark wizards, and protecting muggles from those who wished to harm them.

I hadn't used any Unforgivable Curses since defeating Ranrok and his army. Watching what dark magic did to Sebastian turned me away from them and I vowed to do whatever I could to never have to use them again. It was comforting to know, however, that I was able to defend myself should I absolutely need to, though I buried it deep within me. It was hard to bottle back up once you succumbed to the power.

After 2 years in the apprenticeship program, I was promoted to a full Auror, the youngest in Ministry History. I spent the next 10 years giving my all to defeating darkness. It took a toll on me, though, and I needed a change. I wasn't even 30 and I felt as though I'd lived multiple lifetimes. My body ached and my mental health was strained from all of the evil I'd seen. When I learned that Professor Hecat was stepping down from her position, I immediately reached out, hoping to take her place as professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. After a lengthy interview process, I was offered the job.

I rose from the bed in the room I'd rented at the Three Broomsticks and started to get ready for my day. I made sure I looked presentable and then went through my luggage for the 100th time to make sure I had absolutely everything. It wasn't like I wouldn't be able to pop back over to Hogsmeade once I reached the castle, but I liked to be prepared. When I was sure I had everything I needed, I levitated my trunks and had them follow me down the stairs.

"Leaving so early," Sirona asked. She was wiping down tables, getting ready for the day.

"Yeah. I'm excited to get settled. Students arrive next week, so I've got a lot to do. And, to be honest, I'm full of nervous energy," I confessed.

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