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I watched the life fade from Morgana's eyes and felt oddly peaceful. Out of all of the people I'd killed, she was the easiest to come to terms with. I felt no remorse. I wasn't sure if that was because of the power running within me or if it was because she'd almost killed Sebastian. I looked over at him, still restrained by the Incarcerous spell, but broken of Morgana's Imperious. I immediately released him and ran over to where he was.

"Are you okay," I asked him anxiously. He'd taken a few hard hits.

"I should be asking you that," he replied. He reached up to wipe some of the blood off my face and I couldn't help but flinch. My nose was most likely broken.

"I'm so sorry I let her take you. I didn't realize until it was too late." Tears started falling as I looked at him, the weight of everything that had happened hitting me all at once.

"You couldn't have known. None of us knew. She was a great actress." He wrapped his arms around me and held me as I cried. I'd come so close to losing him. "Thank you for saving me," he said before kissing my forehead.

"I'd do anything to protect you," I told him as I clung to him for dear life.

"And I'd do anything to protect you."

We stayed in each others arms for awhile, clinging to each other as if letting go would restart the chaos that was Morgana. I emptied myself of tears as my body and spirit ached, the image of Morgana beginning to cast the killing curse on Sebastian replaying in my head. I'd kill her again if possible for what she did.

"Can you stand," Sebastian asked. "We should get out of here."

"Agreed. I might need help getting up." My hip had also taken a pretty hard hit during the duel.

Sebastian slowly stood and stretched his body before offering me his hand and helping me up. He put his arm around my waist and helped support me as we walked out of the cavern and back to the Map Chamber. As we approached the chamber, I heard talking. I drew my wand, trying to prepare for anything.

"It's okay," Sebastian reassured me. "I recognize that voice. It's Professor Weasley." Sebastian continued to help me walk and we were soon met with the view of all the professors, as well as Ominis, Damian and Anita.

"You look like shit," Damian said when he saw me.

"Nice to see you, too," I replied, a chuckle escaping me. It hurt my ribs to laugh.

"Did you do it," Ominis asked. "Is she dead?" I could tell from his eyes that he'd been crying. My heart sank seeing him so upset, especially when I was the reason why.

"I'm so sorry, Ominis. She was going to kill Sebastian. I did what I had to do." I didn't bother telling him about what I'd done before killing her.

"We'll need to question you, Althea. Standard procedure, you know," Anita told me, looking like she felt guilty. It was easy for anyone to see that I'd been through quite the fight. I hoped it would be obvious that I'd acted in self-defense.

"I understand, and I'll tell you everything. I just need to get to the hospital wing. I'm not feeling so great." My head started feeling like it was going to explode and my vision started getting spotty. I felt my body go limp.

I woke up in a bed in the hospital wing of the school. Nurse Blainey was wiping my face with a wet cloth. It hurt, but not nearly as bad as it had earlier.

"How long have I been out," I asked.

"Not long at all. You've only been here about an hour. I went ahead and mended your nose for you. You've got some bruising that'll need time healing, but you'll otherwise be okay."

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