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CW: Drugging/Non-consent - skip over the italics if you don't want to read.

Ominis and Morgana came to visit us that Sunday. They'd visited me while I was in my coma, but wanted to see how I was doing now that I was out. The four of us met in Hogsmeade at the usual place, the Three Broomsticks.

"I had an awkward visit with some of your old coworkers," Ominis told me as we sat at our usual table. Morgana and Sebastian had gone to get our drinks.

"I know and I'm so sorry. We couldn't risk writing you to warn you in case your mail is being intercepted. Did everything go okay?"

"Aside from the implication that I was the one that attacked you, it went alright."

"I told them you had nothing to do with the attack, I swear. Sebastian and I trust you with our lives." I placed my hand on top of his reassuringly.

"I know," he said as he placed his hand on mine. "They'd mentioned something along those lines anyway. Something about how what you'd said checks out. They tested my wand and found nothing out of the ordinary. They do think I'm the one being followed, however. I had to argue to come here without them following me and Morgana tonight."

"Knowing them, they probably have a plant in the crowd somewhere to make sure you're okay," I warned.

"I figured as much, but at least I'm not walking around with a bodyguard."

Sebastian and Morgana were taking an unusually long time to come back with our drinks. The pub wasn't that full, so there really wasn't a reason for them to be taking so long. I excused myself from the table and went to look for them. As I made my way to the stairs, I was stopped by Professor Onai.

"Althea! There you are," she panted as she ran up the few remaining steps. "I've been looking for you."

"What's wrong, Mudiwa? You look distressed." I looked at her with concern as I guided her over to our table. I'd find Sebastian and Morgana in a moment. "Ominis, Professor Onai has joined us."

"Hello, Professor," he greeted. "How are you?"

"Not well, I'm afraid." She'd caught her breath, but still looked uneasy.

"What's going on," I asked. "You can tell me in front of Ominis. I trust him." She looked at me for a moment and then nodded.

"You're in terrible danger. You need to get back to the castle for protection."

"Danger? What do you mean?"

"You and Sebastian aren't safe outside of the castle. Someone is trying to hurt you. A betrayal is coming."

"Betrayal?" I sat there, processing her words. My hand covered my mouth when a realization hit me. "No, not her. It can't be." I stood from my chair and ran down the stairs to look for Sebastian and Morgana.

I scoured the bar looking for the two of them. They were nowhere to be seen, so I checked each bathroom, too. Nothing.

"Sirona, have you seen Sebastian and Morgana?" I couldn't hide the panic in my voice.

"Not for awhile. They came down here for a few minutes and then left together. I thought you and Ominis followed shortly after. Is everything okay," she asked.

"No, it's not. I'll explain later." I ran back upstairs to get Ominis.

"Althea, fill me in please. What's going on," he asked.

"Morgana took Sebastian," I told him. "Mudiwa, I'm afraid what you saw is correct. We've definitely been betrayed. Did you see anything else? Anything that may show where they went?"

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