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Sebastian and I used almost all of our free time over the next month or so planning our wedding. Everything was going smoothly and we were accomplishing a lot, but there was still one thing missing: Ominis. We had yet to hear from him since he'd left and we were both getting worried. Sebastian suggested going to look for Ominis, but I had to remind him that we were still responsible for our classes and that we'd already missed a ton of work already.

"What if he's not okay," Sebastian asked me.

"We would've heard something by now. I asked Professor Onai to let me know if she saw anything regarding him and she hasn't yet."

"Are we really going to put all of our trust into her having or not having a vision?"

"Her visions saved both of us," I reminded him. "So yes, I am going to trust her."

"You've got a point," he sighed. "I just wish I knew how he was doing."

"Me, too. He'll come to us when he's ready. Or he'll come to you, at least. I don't know if he'll be able to forgive me so easily."

"Don't feel guilty, Thea. You did what had to be done."

"I know. I just hate that I'm part of the reason for his pain."

"If he hasn't forgiven you yet, he'll come around." Sebastian hugged me in an effort to comfort me.

It was another month before we heard anything from Ominis. It was a random Wednesday in April when Sebastian got a letter. I thanked Merlin for the enchanted quills that wrote what Ominis dictated.


I wanted to write to you to let you know that I'm alright. I've been reflecting a lot on what happened and trying to come to terms with it all. I've accepted that Morgana was, indeed, out to get you and Althea, but I cannot accept that what she and I had was all a lie.

This obviously doesn't excuse what she did, but I hope it sheds light onto why I'm taking the time to grieve. Despite her ulterior motives, I do believe she loved me and I know I loved her.

I'll be returning home to London soon, but, to be perfectly honest, I'm not ready to face you or Althea. I understand that this means I may miss your wedding, and I'm sorry, but I hope you can understand. I do wish you both happiness, but I can't be around you until I feel ready to find my own.

I'll reach out in my own time,

My heart sank when Sebastian read the letter to me. I wanted to marry Sebastian as soon as I could, but I wanted Ominis there, too. It didn't feel right to have all of our friends there but him.

"Were you serious before about eloping," I asked. If we couldn't have the person who meant the most to us there, we wouldn't have anyone.

"Are you serious?" Sebastian seemed surprised but not upset.

"Yeah. As much as I'd like a wedding, it doesn't feel right without Ominis there. I'd imagined him officiating. When it comes down to it, though, all I want is to be your wife."

"That's all I want, too." He grabbed my hands and kissed each one. "Are you sure about this? What about all of the planning we've done?"

"I've never been more sure. And the planning doesn't have to be for nothing. We can have a reception once Ominis is ready to see us."

"Have I told you lately how much I love you?" A grin spread on his face.

"I take that as a 'yes' to eloping," I laughed.

"It's a resounding yes." Sebastian picked me up and spun me around. "When were you wanting to do this?"

"This weekend? Saturday? I think we should keep it a secret until after it's done, but I don't think I can keep the secret too long."

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