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Sebastian and I headed to the Map Chamber around 2 in the morning. Student's would for sure be in their common rooms and the other professors would be asleep. We had to take the long way, as Peeves was up to his usual antics; we couldn't risk him seeing us.

I'd kept the wand used to enter the final chamber safe during all these year, leaving it protected in an enchanted container that only I could open. It felt strange to hold it again, it almost felt alive.

I held Sebastian's hand as we made our way. I was a nervous wreck, unsure of how absorbing the power would affect me. I replayed Anne's words to me in my head, hoping she was right. I didn't want the power for my own gain, I wanted to protect it. Surely this would allow me to come out of this unscathed.

The Map Chamber looked exactly as it had all of those years ago. The large portraits stood empty, which I was happy about. I didn't want to have to deal with the Keepers again. I had mixed feelings on how they'd handled things.

Sebastian kept hold of my hand as we entered the cavern. It brought back so many memories, good and bad. I remembered feeling helpless when Fig and I had seen the sheer amount of enemies we'd have to face to get through; the feeling of gratitude and relief as the other professors showed up in the knick of time to help us. I took in a deep breath before continuing our journey.

The skeletons of those defeated littered our path, their bones looking minuscule compared to the armor they'd been wearing. I heard Sebastian curse under his breath as we made our way. He hadn't known the extent of what had happened that day.

"Wingardium Leviosa," I cast, aiming my wand at the giant rock pillar that had fallen between two cliffs. It rose to create a bridge for Sebastian and I to cross. I knew we were getting close, so I pulled out the wand needed to get past the giant guards.

"Holy shit," Sebastian whispered, seeing the two towering figures. He squeezed my hand as they began to move towards us. I held up the wand and watched as it illuminated. The guards lowered their swords, striking the tips into the ground in order to open the door behind them.

"Let's hurry," I told Sebastian once the door was open. I wanted to get this over with.

Sebastian and I stood in awe as we stared at the ancient magic hovering and swirling within the magical container. I gave his hand a squeeze before dropping it and grabbing my own wand from its holster. I wasn't sure what exactly to do, so I closed my eyes and let instinct take over.

Raising my wand and pointing it at the repository, I focused all of my energy and intentions on absorbing the power. I breathed steadily, keeping myself calm and focused. Slowly but surely, I started to feel something.

I opened my eyes and saw swirls of black and red magic pouring out of the repository. My heart raced at seeing it, my instincts wanting me to recoil from the magic that I had associated as evil. I remembered Anne's words, though. Good is bad and bad is good. It just depends on intention.

Closing my eyes again, I thought about the good that would come from taking in this power. The magic would no longer be lying dormant, waiting for someone else to take it. The school and students would be safe. I'd be able to protect Sebastian and our future family. I didn't want this power for anything other than protection.

The magic flowed into me quicker and quicker, and I felt euphoric. I could feel the energy filling me and I felt strong. I opened my eyes and grinned and I saw the remaining magic leave the repository and flow into the end of my wand. Just like that, it was done. I stood with my back to Sebastian, processing what had just happened.

"Thea? Are you okay," he asked, walking closer to me. I turned to face him.

"I feel amazing," I told him honestly. He looked me up and down, concern all over his face.

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