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Morgana and I walked back to the table arm-in-arm, chatting as if we'd been friends since childhood. Like her, I didn't have many adult girl friends, so it was nice to have feminine energy to be around.

"It seems like you two have made a connection," Sebastian said as we arrived back to our destination.

"Oh we have. You better watch out, Ominis. I may just steal her from you," I joked.

"Is that so," he asked, laughing slightly.

"She may give you a run for your money, darling," Morgana told him, laughing, too.

"We wanted to know if you two wanted to get out of here," I told them. I gave Sebastian a look, hoping he'd get the hint. His eyes lit up and his pupils dilated, letting me know he caught on.

"Absolutely," he said, rising from the table. "I'll go pay Sirona and meet you all outside." He practically ran down the stairs, making me and Morgana laugh.

"I would love nothing more," Ominis said before taking one last drink of his butter beer, finishing it off. I let go of Morgana so she could hold Ominis' hand. They really were a cute pair.

The three of us went down the stairs and outside to wait for Sebastian. The air was crisp and breezy; I was glad I had my cloak. Sebastian came out a few moments later and the four of us made our way to the castle.

We didn't pass too many students as we walked to the astronomy tower. If things were at all how they used to be when I was a student, there were multiple secret parties happening. At least they'd have the weekend to get over their hangovers.

"Here we are," I told Morgana as we reached the Room of Requirement. The door appeared and I watched as surprise washed over her face. It was always satisfying to see people's reactions.

"This is marvelous," she said as we entered the room.

"Just wait. It gets better." I grinned at her.

I led everyone to the other door and opened it for Morgana to see. She audibly gasped as she walked through the doorway.

"It's even better than I could have imagined," she said. "Where do we even begin?"

"I usually wait to be told what to do," I told her as I took off my cloak and put it on the floor next to the entrance. The others did the same. Sebastian and Ominis went to one of the cabinets to grab some things, leaving me and Morgana alone. "If anything gets too intense, say 'Red' to move to something else or 'Black' to stop completely," I repeated Sebastian's rules.

"Good to know," she replied, looking a bit uncomfortable. I grabbed her hand and squeezed.

"You have nothing to be nervous about," I reassured her. "I've had nothing but fun with them here."

"Thank you. I'm just a little out of my element."

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to yet."

"Oh, I definitely want to. I'm just worried I'll let everyone down."

"As long as you let yourself have fun, you won't let anyone down." I gave her a smile and caressed her cheek. Her skin felt silky smooth.

"I'm glad you're here with me," she told me, placing her hand on top of mine. We looked at each other for a moment before leaning in in unison to kiss each other.

We were similar in height, so kissing Morgana was quite comfortable, as I didn't have to bend over or strain myself on tiptoes. She tasted like cinnamon and whiskey and smelled like jasmine. It was intoxicating.

"Are you sure you two even need us tonight," Sebastian joked as he and Ominis walked over to us. Morgana and I broke apart.

"Need? No. Want? Of course," I told him.

Safe & Sound//Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now