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I quickly did the disillusionment charm and snuck out from behind the boulder. Making sure I made as little noise as possible, I began walking closer to Morgana and Sebastian. If I could just catch her by surprise, I could stop this once and for all.

Slowly but surely, I inched closer to where they were. I was making progress when I accidentally kicked a pebble. I froze, hoping I'd get lucky and Morgana wouldn't notice or that she'd blame it on Sebastian. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to get here," she said, rising and pulling out her want. "You might as well show yourself." I stood still in hopes that she would think she was wrong and that I wasn't actually there. "Fine. If you're going to be stubborn, I'll just have to make you come forward. Crucio!" She hit Sebastian with the curse.

"Stop!" I revealed myself and ran over to Sebastian. "Stop it," I yelled as he cried out in pain.

"I had a feeling that would work," she laughed maliciously as she broke her concentration on Sebastian, allowing him to collapse to the ground and catch his breath. "We can make this easy or we can make this hard."

"I have a feeling you're going to make it hard regardless," I told her as I lifted my wand in defense, placing myself between her and Sebastian.

"I may hate you, but I have to admit you're smart." She smirked at me before casting a nonverbal spell at me. I barely dodged it, causing it to hit the stones behind me, blasting them apart. She tried to cast another one, but I managed to see if coming this time.

"Protego! Stupefy!" I tried to hit her with the spell, but she was able to counteract it. In response, she sent another nonverbal spell my way, hitting my left shoulder. I cried out in pain as I was knocked backwards.

"Just give me what I want and I'll be on my way," she said, walking closer to me. I quickly tried to stand back up, but she hit me with another spell. Aside from the pain, I could feel the rage building within me.

"You're a liar. I know what your plan is. I remember the night you drugged me; you want to take Sebastian from me." I managed to push the pain aside and get up. The thought of losing Sebastian filling me with more rage and emotion. I could feel the power building and I knew I could defeat Morgana. It may not be a fair fight, but it was in my favor.

"An eye for an eye," she said, anger coating each word.

"Rookwood was a monster. How could you miss him?"

"He loved me."

"Children should be seen, not heard," I said.

"I was a good kid," she spat. "I listened and I did what was asked of me and he loved me!"

"Rookwood didn't love anything but power. He could've traded you for the power he thought he deserved."

"Bitch!" She cast an attack spell. I was able to protect myself, but learned she wasn't aiming at me. She'd hit Sebastian, sending him flying through the air. I managed to counter him with Wingardium Leviosa and gently lowered him back to the ground.

"Leave him the fuck alone," I practically growled. I was so pissed, I didn't even realize my arm was moving my wand. The ancient magic had taken control and I hit Morgana with a powerful knock-back spell, sending her backward into a large boulder. She cried out in pain and I felt joy at knowing I caused her pain.

I was impressed with how quickly she was able to stand back up. She may be a terrible person, but she seemed to have a high pain tolerance. I readied myself for another attack, but she was quick. I went skidding sideways to get out of the way, leaving Sebastian unprotected.

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