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Word of my and Sebastian's marriage had somehow spread back to Hogwarts, so we were greeted with a celebration when we returned. The professors had decorated one of the courtyards and had set up tables with food and refreshments. Sebastian and I were taken aback by the surprise and thoughtfulness of it all. We were bombarded with congratulations from students and staff.

"How did you find out," I asked Mirabel as she handed me and Sebastian each a champagne flute.

"Mudiwa had a vision before you two left and told us. It's been so hard to not let anything slip!"

"This is so sweet. Thank you all," I said to all of the staff, who had gathered around us to see the ring. I'd moved my engagement ring to the other hand.

"On behalf of the faculty and staff, I'd like to wish you all the happiness life has to offer," Headmaster Black said, sounding sincere for once.

"To Mr. And Mrs. Sallow, may your marriage be once of compassion, adventure, and patience. Knowing you two, that should be no problem," Professor Weasley said as she raised her glass to toast us. We all clinked glasses before mingling with everyone.

By the time the sun was setting, most of the students had gone back inside. I offered to help cleanup, but Professors Weasley and Garlick insisted I go enjoy the rest of the night with my husband. I wasn't quite ready to stop celebrating, I was in such a good mood, so Sebastian and I headed to The Three Broomsticks to share our news with Sirona.

"Congrats, you too," she exclaimed as she saw us walk in.

"You know, too," Sebastian laughed.

"You know how Hogwarts students are. They'll gossip about everything," she told us. "I couldn't be happier for you both. Drinks are on me tonight."

"You don't have to do that, Sirona," I protested.

"Yes I do. You're two of my favorite people, so it's the least I can do," she insisted.

"Well thank you. That's so nice," I told her.

"You're one of our favorite people, too," Sebastian told her. She smiled at us before pouring our usuals. We happily took them and went to sit at an empty table.

"Only one thing could make this weekend better," I sighed after taking a drink.

"I miss Ominis, too," Sebastian said, knowing just what I was thinking.

"I feel terrible for putting him through this."

"It's not your fault, Thea. Morgana used him. It's not fair, but that's the reality of it. And she would've killed both of us. You did the right thing." He reached across the table and squeezed me hand.

"I know. It still sucks, though. It was so nice to reconnect with him and I only caused him pain."

"You caused him a whole lot of pleasure, too," Sebastian laughed.

"You're terrible," I said, laughing too.

Sebastian and I drank more than we probably should have, but Sirona just kept bringing us more and more alcohol when she saw our cups were empty. We stayed until last call and then stumbled out into the empty streets of Hogsmeade. The street lanterns were dim and barely illuminated the area.

"I have an idea," Sebastian said, slurring slightly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side of a building. It was almost too dark to see him. I was feeling unsteady, so I leaned against the building.

"What's this idea," I laughed, hiccuping a little.

"Close your eyes."

"I can't even see that well right now," I laughed.

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